What are you doing to stay sane and focused this week?

Hey, Lovelies! What a week this has been…full of highs and lows and ‘I-dunnos’!

I have been really struggling- going back forth between hope, trust, movement and the despair, anxiety, and anger.

A remedy and a salve for me is dropping into what I know are the truths within me and around me. Checking in with my heart and being there for a bit. Asking questions and listening for answers.  I also remind myself of the power, beauty, and love that is in us all and I trust in that.

Some other tools I am using this week are making sure I am taking awesome care of me and my home. Putting clutter to order. Eating and cooking really great food. Lots of snuggles on the couch with my current binge TV show (currently ‘Game of Thrones). And making sure I get my rest.

How are you staying positive, focused, and in your power???

Let me know below.  I need more ideas.

Blessings, Di

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