Authenticity & True Character 

True character is your strong foundation.

Your true character is more important than other’s perceptions, as it is the strength of your foundation. Like a suspension bridge, our outer appearance is what others see, and it depends on the perspective. Driving across the bridge, you do not see the posts in the ground, you only see before you and above you. Looking at the bridge from afar, you see the posts moving into the ground, yet you are not necessarily aware of how deep the foundation is rooted. This is the same with us. 

Others see our outward appearance, both what we choose to show the world, and what they choose to see, based on their opinions or beliefs, which may not be in line with who we truly are at our foundation. Choosing to accept other people’s opinions and beliefs about us can weaken our foundation if they are not fully in tune with their own spirituality and inner souls. To strengthen our foundation, who we truly are, we must root down deep like the posts of the suspension bridge to support ourselves. In so doing, we allow our outer appearance to be supported and reflected by our true character and authenticity.

I’d be honored to help you discover your foundation to  “Awaken a more brilliant version of you™”

Namaste! ~ Heather 

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