Get More Reads, Comments & Shares. Your Content is Worth it!

Understand The Value of Where You are Being Published and Promoted

Would you say you are overwhelmed by the constant barrage of content you encounter everywhere on the internet? From articles, to videos to LIVE videos to streaming content, it’s everywhere. Then there are the ads, top, bottom, left, right and popping up as soon as you do click on something to read or watch. Focusing on the content itself has become challenging. Not on our blog. Our authors enjoy an integrity filled stage to shine their story with a crowd who is not pulled in twenty five directions.

When you are published on The Wellness Universe Featured Blog,  you are now in the club of  ‘Great content creators who stand behind their article in which a reader can connect directly with, to increase their well-being.’ (Whew! That’s a mouthful!) 

We have created a space for YOUR content , and YOU to shine, with over 450K visits a month and exposure to a social media following of over 1M. The day your article publishes, you are being shared by Influeners through WU, on a platform that allows you to be seen as a person of reliability and go-to source for what it is that you share about through your article.  We have limited ads, and NO Google, pop-up or 3rd party ads from non pre-approved sources. WU and our members and trusted partners are the only ads you will see on our Feature Blog. We bring readers from across the globe right to you, where you have their captive attention for the time they are there!  

Ready to be shared with the world? Here are tips to achieve the greatest success.

How do you make the most of being published on WU?

1. Your profile must be filled out to be published. Be sure your social media links, keywords and listing blurb are all filled out and your bio is up to date. Need assistance

2. Don’t leave your baby with us and never come back to give it love! Having your awesome article featured is the prime time for you to connect with the ‘outside world’. You will not get notifications for comments left on your blog so you must visit your post several times a day to reply to comments. 

Not replying to comments is like sending out resumes and not picking up the phone when a  potential employer calls. Does that make sense?”

Why is replying to comments critical? Several reasons, and here are just a few:

  • How often do you leave a comment on anything anymore? Social media posts, videos, blogs? When someone takes the time to leave a comment, take it as a great honor and opportunity to connect with someone who cares about what you have written.
  • Replying to comments helps your viral reach. Content that is commented on is seen as ‘relevant’ and gains momentum went people engage on the post.
  • When new readers come to your post you are more likely to see more comments as THEY feel they will connect to the author. 
  • If someone has left a question or interested in your services, you miss that opportunity.
  • Your chance to help someone and also build relationships.

3. Share your article. Your article gets shared to 1M social media fans through WU and our community, however, we all know social media engagement is a sliver of success. Sharing with YOUR circle of influence is vital to success and asking them to share.

  • Post it to your social media using hashtag #WUVIP and/or #WUWorldChanger. 
  • Message it to people who you think would really benefit from it. 
  • Tweet it out and tag influential and relevant people who may be interested. 
  • Include it in a newsletter. 
  • Tips for more visibility in this Forbes article – once you get past the ads :/  

4. Pro-actively attract readers. The day prior to your article posting, let your following know you will be changing the world with your epic article by sharing about it. When it posts, you can share the link with those who were interested. WHY? Sharing what will post accomplishes a few things: 

  • You are creating awareness. 
  • When you share ABOUT your article, you have no link in that post, just letting people know what your article will be about and why it will help them and you are excited to be featured on WU will stimulate conversation. (On social media, posts with links get very little traction, a post the day before, may get better reach than your share of your blog.)  Example of a ‘pre-post’: “Tomorrow my article about my journey to being caner free is being featured on The Wellness Universe. I’m really excited for this and for those of you who know me, know I have fought this battle and won, but I talk about some things you may not know. I invite you if you are battling or know someone who is, to read my story. It posts tomorrow and I sincerely wish to make just one person’s life better through my story. Do you think that my journey will help you? Please let me know and I will be sure you don’t miss it by giving you the link tomorrow if you let me know in the comments. Looking forward to this and please reach out if you need some support.”

5. Re-share. This article gives you tips of when and how often to share your article.

Big Winners

Here are a few examples of members who give their article loads of love, and it all comes back! 

This was Gail’s first post with us. She posted all over social media, tweeted at influential people and messaged her circles of influence. Additionally, she replied to her comments. She followed critical footprints to achieve massive success with her very first article:

Our very own Ashley knocked it out of the park with this:

Rhonda is a shining example of making impact:

We won’t point out articles that have been abandoned by the author, with so much potential, it’s sad to see. You can go through the blog for yourself and see the performance of posts that are given support by the author versus not.

You are a road-map to health and well-being. You are support to help people live a better life. You get a stage to share your expertise, wisdom and a know-how on The Wellness Universe, which we have built from grass roots, integrity based base.  After all, this is why we created WU. What are you waiting for? It’s time to shine!

Hope these tips help ? 

By the way, before any of this can happen, we have guidelines you can review here and if you are not a WU World-Changer, come join us and get featured.

Recommended2 recommendationsPublished in Uncategorized


  1. Heather Corinne Lang

    Truly excellent tips, and it really helps as I have been blogging for WU for awhile, and follow them…really helps with engagement! I also will continue to share my article for months beyond the publish date.
    Love & light!

  2. Arild Karlsen

    I is the founder of this product “Nordic Light & Fishing Krill Oil (Omega 3). And activity was started from an idea to create the best fishing oil product on the market today. I had personal experience of many years as both a fisherman, fishing boat captain and fishing boat owner / captain of the fishing boat trawler before I started the development of this Arctic Light Products. PS: If you would like a little more info, just send your email adr, and I will send you some info?
    Wish you and your dear a nice and a good Wednesday!

    Sincerely / Best regards
    Arild Karlsen
    Tel: +47 91 54 54 84
    E-mail: [email protected]