Why Work with the Akashic Records

Years ago, a friend and I got season passes to a local amusement park for the summer. Imagine prepping four little ones – sunscreen, snacks, water, bathing suits – and loading them up for the drive. Several times a month, we strolled through the park, seven kids in tow, like mama ducks with their ducklings. Curious strangers regularly asked us if we ran a daycare. The effort it took to get there evaporated in the joy of proclaiming, “No – they’re all ours!”

At the time I saw myself only as a retired ad exec turned stay-at-home mom. Although I was living a life I’d never imagined, I was content. I had no idea how much more I could experience outside of raising my children and taking care of the house and my husband.

I didn’t realize how much I craved more adult contact until I learned that a clairvoyant healer I’d once worked with was teaching a class. My husband was so supportive and my mother agreed to take care of the kids, so I jumped at the chance. What I learned in that class was the first step toward becoming the person I am today.

Before I left my advertising job and had my family, I worked with people as an intuitive healer, but when I returned to that work, it felt different. I was receiving detailed information about clients that I hadn’t received previously, and I began to realize I was accessing something more.

After a few years of fits and starts, I started to learn that I was unconsciously accessing the Akashic Records and being guided by the clients Record Keepers. Not long after, I met a woman who taught me a sacred prayer so I could consciously connect with the Akashic Beings of Light.

Once I committed, the guidance from the Akashic Master flowed.

First, we healed my blocks to abundance and fears of being seen. Then they asked me to share the Akashic wisdom and energy with the world! That triggered more issues to clear; after all “I was just a mom in the suburbs”. The Record Keepers asked me to start a school teaching people how to access the Akashic Records. Then they asked me to write my first book. And my second! My life changed dramatically and I have healed more of my own wounds, which has strengthened my work and the relationships in my life.

I’ve been led to amazing people, who have supported my professional journey. People like Jack Canfield, Marci Shimoff and Susan Shumsky. I’ve been able to spread the messages of empowerment, healing and transformation to thousands.

All because I recognized the value of the Akashic Records and allowed myself to be guided.

Did I have resistance? Of course! I’m human. I also had a solid foundation on which to stand – the memories and experiences of what occurred when I followed guidance. I wish the same for you.

Your Akashic Guides are waiting to talk to YOU!

They have important information to share that will enable you to find the clarity, success and peace you want. I invite you to download the free gifts I created to celebrate my new book and take the next step in seeing for yourself the value of the Akashic Records!

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