DearJames® Advice – Current Partner

Category: Life Direction / Purpose , Relationships , Awareness


Should I stay with my current partner or is he the hindrance to my elevation?

Dear Current Partner

The only thing that truly hinders ones elevation / ascension is the purity level of their thoughts, intentions, and actions, and any lack of authenticity.

Those four elements are game changers when it comes to ascension, ones life choices, and the resulting experiences that flow from them.

Elevation / ascension occurs in all ways whether we are consciously aware of and directly assisting it or not; the difference being, how much growth / ascension will one experience in a single lifetime and how rapidly.

There are no limits or restrictions on our evolution, growth, and ascension save for those we place upon it.

As a sovereign being, no other individual has power or dominion over you unless you allow it.

Thus, how could your current partner be a hindrance to your elevation / ascension unless you either ceded your power to him or have abdicated self-responsibility / accountability?

The only hindrance to your elevation is in not being in complete alignment with what your internal GPS / knowingness is telling you. And that is true for every single human being on the planet.

When we don’t listen to, follow, and act in accordance with our soul-to-source connection/knowingness, our advancement becomes hindered, hijacked, and delayed.

The souls divinity is absolute. It cannot and will not lead you astray.


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Photo Credit: Veronika Galkina/©


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