You are here to bring light into the world

“You have been moving upwards in a spiral of awareness for some time. You might compare it to a winding staircase which may lead you to unknown and incredible heights.

The question is: are you really ready for it?

The energies of the New Age are pushing and pushing, getting stronger and more intense. Those who object to these energies and fight against them, will falter. This is the main reason for all the turmoil in your world right now.

It is the old energy, sticking on you like liquid resin, deterring you from thinking ahead. Many people are already on the way, but the majority of the earth’s inhabitants have not even made the initial step.

This will not change in the next few months, as this process takes its time. Therefore, try to understand that the weeks ahead might be turbulent, inside and outside. Be ready!

Everything that needs change, but is held back by you, creates some sort of energy whirl. You are running in circles, things are turned upside down, but you still feel like treading in place.

What use is this information for me and my life? some of you might wonder.


be prepared when these energy whirls come, and do not be scared,

stay – as well as possible – aligned, even if it gets rocky in the outside,

do not try to hold on, but let yourself flow on the waves until the storm has quietened,

let go of whatever does not belong to you any longer, and

if you feel energetically taken apart (some of you are just going through this experience), then connect with the spiritual world, trying to remain quiet and confident. Because what you are going through right now, serves your re-orientation and re-calibration.

Have you not been looking out for it for a long time?

Have you not been waiting for it for decades?

What have you been thinking the transformation process might bring?

Well, you are in the middle of it, and it will go on for some time. But you know this deep down in your soul. This is why you have come here, now, in this time, to keep the light up – for you and for others!

Let yourself be driven upwards by this energy spiral. Just go on unswervingly, and let your light shine in the darkness.

We are with you! We are the angel group Akabesh. We have set out together with you, to accompany you, guide you and protect you. Greeting to you, light workers. We are here to serve you!”

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