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New Moon SisterCircles for Self-Care & Empowerment

April 8 @ 12:00 pm EDT

|Recurring Event (See all)

One event on 25 October 2022 at 12:00 pm

One event on 22 November 2022 at 12:00 pm

One event on 22 December 2022 at 12:00 pm

One event on 20 January 2023 at 12:00 pm

One event on 20 February 2023 at 12:00 pm

One event on 20 March 2023 at 12:00 pm

One event on 14 September 2023 at 12:00 pm

One event on 16 October 2023 at 12:00 pm

One event on 10 January 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 9 February 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 11 March 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 8 April 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 7 May 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 6 June 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 8 July 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 5 August 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 3 September 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 7 October 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 1 November 2024 at 12:00 pm

One event on 2 December 2024 at 12:00 pm


Monthly New Moon SisterCircles for Self-Care and Empowerment, brought to you in partnership with Deborah Roth, WomanSpirit Coach, Interfaith Minister, and Wellness Universe Group Leader exclusively for Wellness for All programming for The Wellness Universe.

Enroll Now

Launching 9/27/22, join us live for Deborah’s 60-minute gathering at 12 noon Eastern Time (monthly, calendar dates coincide with the new moon).

Join us as we gather to locate, heal and re-claim the Divine Feminine in ourselves and in our society.

When we come together under the New Moon, we celebrate our connection to the lunar cycles, to the earth and to each other, through movement, song, personal sharing and magical play. Each month, we’ll focus on a different theme, drawing on the energy of that New Moon.

Live sessions take place at noon Eastern time.


Tuesday, September 27th (Libra) – The Dance of Relationships

Does love REALLY make the world go-’round? If it doesn’t, it sure does make our lives very interesting! Whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just leaving one, looking for your soul-mate, or single and loving it, the New Moon in Libra is a powerful time to look closely at the significant partnerships in our lives, to jettison what doesn’t work and commit to re-balancing and harmonizing what does (both Libran themes as well). And sometimes that process begins by looking at our relationship with ourselves, always a rich adventure!

*** You’re invited to bring a symbol of the relationship you’d like to release, renew, or attract.

Tuesday, October 25th (Scorpio) – Honoring our Ancestors

The ancient Celtic holy day of Samhain (pronounced Sow-en) was the precursor to our modern-day Halloween and was considered to be the most mysterious and magical hinge on the wheel of the year. Samhain was the night that the veil between the worlds of the living and the dead was thought to be the thinnest… a time when we could most powerfully call upon our ancestors for their aid and wisdom in our own personal evolution. This Scorpio New Moon is actually called the Lunar Samhain and is the perfect time for a deep and powerful ancestral celebration.

*** You’re invited to bring a picture or memento of a departed loved one, and dress in black.

Tuesday, November 22nd (Sagittarius) – Recommitting to our Spiritual Journeys

Most of the time, our early spiritual life is defined and dictated by factors outside of ourselves – our parents, the community we grew up in, and the larger society. One of the gifts of women’s spirituality is that we are encouraged to name our own experiences as sacred. That may very well include embracing the traditions of our childhood, but it also compels us to search for new meaning and re-claim whatever it is that nurtures our own unique souls at the deepest level. The New Moon in Sagittarius provides the perfect cosmic energy to do that!

*** You’re invited to bring a symbol of your spiritual travels, either where you are now or where you want to be.

Thursday, December 22nd (Capricorn) – Setting New Year’s Intentions with Candle Magic

Whether you resonate with the symbolism of the newborn Sun on the Winter Solstice or the Roman calendar’s New Year, this is the time for releasing the old and opening up to new possibilities in the year to come. In our SisterCircles, we have a particularly playful and powerful way of marking this auspicious turning point and setting our intentions for the New Year – Candle magic! Please join us as we welcome the return of the Sun and the rebirth of hope and renewal in 2023.

*** You’re invited to bring a 6” pillar candle and any yummy essential oils or glitter.

Friday, January 20th (Aquarius) – Reclaiming our Inner Wild Woman

How do you connect with the saucy, rebellious Wild-Woman inside you? She’s thoroughly empowered, often outrageous, and always ready to let loose if we open the door a crack. For some women, she’s activated simply when we wear “dangle-y” earrings for work instead of studs. For others, she might prompt us to play hooky to finish reading a fabulous book, or follow our wander-lust and take off on a really amazing vacation. If you’re itching to reclaim that irreverent, powerfully unique creature within you, then the Aquarius New Moon is for you!

*** You’re invited to ring a symbol of your inner WildWoman and dress audaciously!

Monday, February 20th (Pisces) – Embracing our Divinely Feminine Intuition         

How often do you create sacred time and space for yourself to go deep within and just listen? Do you trust the information you find there, or does your rational mind talk you out of it?  With the intuitive, watery Pisces New Moon, we’re offered the opportunity to dive to our depths, bring up the insights that lie there, and flow with them. Please join us as we celebrate the mystical wise-woman within each of us and tap into her wisdom.

*** You’re invited to bring your deep feelings, psychic “hits” and inklings, & dress in blues and greens.

Monday, March 20th (Aries) – Transforming Righteous Anger into Powerful Action

What’s your relationship to ANGER? Were you taught that “good girls” don’t get mad, or were you encouraged to express anger in healthy, productive ways? Unfortunately, women too often suppress their strongest feelings, afraid that they’ll be labeled hysterical, selfish, or (*gasp*) castrating. With the dynamic energy of Aries, we’re given the opportunity to reclaim our anger as a sacred power source and to transmute it into assertive, positive action. Let’s go for it!

*** You’re invited to bring a personal power symbol & dress in firey reds.

Live 60-Minute Sessions

Value: $49

Cost: Donation

Connect with Deborah:


Deborah Roth MA, is a Spiritual Life & Career Transition Coach, a Relationship Coach, and Interfaith Minister, dedicated to co-creating practical and magical strategies with individuals and groups to achieve fabulous lives, work, and relationships. She integrates 40+ years of experience in both the corporate world and the esoteric/spiritual disciplines of Feminist Psychology, Women’s Ritual, Astrology, and Tarot.

Nowadays, she works primarily with overwhelmed, under-nurtured women (and a few good men!), guiding them through life and career transitions, and helping them to attract & maintain healthy relationships. Since 1996, she’s facilitated monthly New Moon SisterCircles, Full Moon TeleMeditations, a year-long Women’s Spirituality program, and has created and officiated hundreds of magical wedding ceremonies and other life passage rituals.

She’s the author of 2 books – The Authentic Woman PlayBook, and Circle of One: The Art of becoming a Self-centered Woman and presents a weekly video series entitled: “Embodying your Divinely Feminine Wisdom: A Weekly Date with your #InnerGoddessTeam”. You can find those videos on her YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/goddessofone1 or just search for Deborah Roth) and learn more about her coaching, books, and women’s circles at www.SpiritedLiving.com  

“I’ve been wanting to write to tell you how grateful I am for the experience at your lovely New Moon Circle.

It had been a long time since I was in such a held space for sharing and just ‘being.’ It had a profound impact on me and it made me realize even more how much I’ve been living without a whole lot of ‘real’ connection in my life. I know you’ve been doing these circles for a lot of years…what a gift to the women attending. Thank you so much for being such a beautiful, authentic human. The world is truly a more beautiful place because of you and the gifts you share.”   – Kate G.


April 8
12:00 pm
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