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Tag Archives: Akashic Records
Stripping the Conditions from Unconditional Love
Unconditional love is just that – love without conditions. Even when we say we want unconditional love, there is a part of us that feels scared. In order for someone…
Allow the Wisdom of the Akashic Records to Benefit YOUR Life
Do you notice patterns in your life? Sometimes they seem to repeat almost daily like grabbing something to eat when you get stressed. Others just show up occasionally, like when…
En-Courage you
Find Courage in enCouragement. We sometimes need help finding our courage to change, leap into a new situation or relationship, or even to speak up for ourselves. Looking to others,…
Glow your Peace
The glow of peace is always with you. The soothing glow of peace is with you always, all ways. It exists in the center of your soul, where the light…
You are free to create your destiny
You are free to create the destiny you wish to live. You have free will, and as such, are not the victim of your circumstances. You have the key to…
Follow Your Soul Calling
Fearlessly follow your heart’s soul calling. For true happiness in life, we need to follow our heart. Within our heart we will find our soul calling, which is our life…
New Moon Solar Eclipse
Happy New Moon Solar Eclipse in Pisces Day! I don’t know about you, but these two past weeks in between the eclipses has been intense. I’ve felt it and seen…
Love & Heal You
Love you, Heal you. When we truly love ourselves, with our supposed “faults” and all, we can heal ourselves. We need to listen to our inner chatter about ourselves, and…
Am I Worthy of Receiving Guidance Through the Akashic Records?
I’ve noticed a recurring theme lately, both from my students and my clients. So many people are suffering from a lack of self-worth — held back by doubt and low…