Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
How does a walk through an Ecuadorian rainforest transform someone into a fierce warrior?
Join Alicia Rodriguez, personal development author, writer and catalyst for personal growth for a free two week course.
In this course she shares ten powerful lessons woven through a true story of transformation.
You will learn how to move through life…[Read more]
Alicia Rodriguez recommended the post Sparkler for the Day 7 years, 8 months ago
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
There are days, like today, that I just have to keep the television off and the noise from the internet away. My heart aches when I see the pain humans cause one another. Don’t we know who we really are? Are we so attached to power that we abuse one another to feel more important, more powerful, than another person?
Most people are in a deep sleep @aliciarodriguez. The best way forward is for those who are ‘awake’ to hold the space of love, light, oneness, unity and peace. One by one we shall prevail! I recommend reading the post today by @elizabethkipp in which Rumi beautifully addresses ‘waking’ up. 🙂
Thanks Debra. I’ll read that post now.
Your poem is beautiful @aliciarodriguez – thank you for sharing!
Love your poem and completely agree. I believe more are awakening, and those that are, find us to help them when they are ready. May more and more humans become ready to help us lift the entire of Humanity into a place of Love.
Thank you Heather. I so agree.
Kimberly Bayne posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago
“Your Inner Sage Already Holds the Answers” a #mustread by #WUVIP ~@aliciarodriguez
~If you feel an “inkling,” a subtle feeling that there’s something amiss, but you don’t know what it is, pay close attention. That is the wisest part of you speaking. It may come as a whisper, but if left unattended it will wreak havoc in your life.…[Read more]Your Inner Sage Already Holds the Answers - The Wellness Universe BlogReconnect with your inner sage and affirm that it already holds all the answers to the questions you've been seeking in this blog by Alicia Rodriguez.
The Wellness Universe posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago
“Your Inner Sage Already Holds the Answers” a #mustread by #WUVIP ~ @aliciarodriguez
~If you feel an “inkling,” a subtle feeling that there’s something amiss, but you don’t know what it is, pay close attention. That is the wisest part of you speaking. It may come as a whisper, but if left unattended it will wreak havoc in your life.…[Read more]Your Inner Sage Already Holds the Answers - The Wellness Universe BlogReconnect with your inner sage and affirm that it already holds all the answers to the questions you've been seeking in this blog by Alicia Rodriguez.
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 7 years, 10 months ago
(Dedicated to the women and men who marched for human rights and to those who believe in the power of love and the spirit of human potential.) From my blog at aliciamrodriguez dot com
But you don’t know it.
You don’t even see it.
At first you stumble around hitting your head, stubbing your toes, tripping over you…[Read more]
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 7 years, 11 months ago
What if you could solve your most burning question or greatest challenge, or handle something which has been impeding your freedom or movement forward in your life?
What if you could do this in seven days after months or even years of living with this discomfort, unease or stagnation?
Our one…[Read more]
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years ago
As the new year approaches I’ve made a commitment to STOP doing these ten things. What ten things will you STOP doing in 2017 that will allow you to live more joyfully and powerfully?
Ten things I will stop doing in 2017
Saying “Try”
Saying “Can’t”
Saying “No” so quickly
Assuming my answers are the right ones
Hiding from my personal p…[
Anna Pereira posted an update 8 years ago
I am honored to have over 12K subscribers to my Circles of Inspiration newsletter. It’s my opportunity to connect with people and inspire them. As part of delivering a personal inspiration, I take the opportunity to feature WUVIPs in my newsletter who have contributed to our blog. http://conta.cc/2gYW1AT Today @debdelvecchioscully @sandyevanspulli…[Read more]
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years ago
All our personal and collective problems arise from the illusion of separateness. If we embrace our inherent unity our problems will cease. #Aliciaisms amr_aliciaisms_round3-07
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Never forget who you are and what you stand for. #aliciaisms #consciousliving #consciousleadership img_0572
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
“Be the Invitation to Love.” #aliciaisms amr_aliciaisms_round3-04
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Download the Free Ebook Now-Ten Simple Daily Practices to Shift Out of Stress and Into Joy for Busy Professionals
http://bit.ly/2g3WYqLEbook Ten Simple Daily Practices to Shift from Stress To Joy | Alicia M Rodriguez | Sophia Associates, Inc.Even if your life is chaotic and feels out of control
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Enlightenment happens in the mud, not on the mountaintop. #Aliciaisms #consciousliving #qotd amr_aliciaisms_round1-06
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Worry Less. Trust More. My recent mantra! Young athletic woman practicing yoga on a meadow at sunset, silhouette
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Come join us in Ecuador for a week of renewal and reflection coupled with adventure and fun. consciouslivingretreat dot com Happy woman on the beach
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
I’d like to invite you to join us in Ecuador, March 11-18, 2017 for Unlocking the Secrets To Conscious Living, a retreat for women who want to ignite their passion for living and learn conscious practices to maintain wellness, inspiration and joy even in the chaos of their busy lives. Visit consciouslivingretreat dot com Register now as only…[Read more]
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
Alicia Rodriguez posted an update 8 years, 1 month ago
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