• Anna Pereira posted an update 6 years, 5 months ago

    Sign up for Robert Clancy’s class ‘Harnessing the Power of Influencers’ and get ‘Top 5 Rules for More Visibility’ as a bonus gift.

    Register: https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/class/12340/Harnessing-the-Social-Marketing-Power-of-Influencers

    Robert Clancy, co-founder of Spiral Design Studio will provide insights in influencer marketing, crowdspeaking, and social media best practices. Learn how to create an effective social marketing campaign using the new platform SpiralShare.

    * Best practices for social media in promoting a book or event
    * Harnessing the social power of influencers
    * What is “crowdspeaking”
    * Building an effective landing page

    1 lucky live attendee will win a year of SpiralShare Pro!
    @robertclancy SpiiralShare-Ad

    Sign up for Robert Clancy’s class ‘Harnessing the Power of Influencers’ and get &#