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Bradford Tilden

Premier Changer Member
Experience in my field since: 2004
I enjoy my work as: Coach - Individuals, Book Author, Podcast Guest, Panel Participant, Workshop Facilitator, Online Course Provider, Online Services Provider, In Person Services Provider, Virtual Events Creator, Virtual Events Presenter, In Person Events Creator, In Person Events Participant, Participant in Collaborative Projects, Certification Specialist, Teacher, Mentor
My Specialties: Stress Management, Sleep, Chronic Disease Management, Disease Prevention, Life-work Balance, Grief Support, Resilience/burn Out
Modalities: Balancing Body, Emotions, Mind, Spirit for Optimal Well-Being, Crystal Healing, Energy Healing (e.g., Reiki, Healing Touch), Meditation, Sacred Sound Healing (e.g., Sound Baths)

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Hi! Thank you for visiting my profile!

My name is Bradford W. Tilden.  My business is called Crystal Music Healing.  I named it that because it encapsulates the three things I am most passionate about in life.  Crystals, Music, and Healing.

I work with vibration and frequency to help heal, open, and activate people to their full potential.

How I got where I am is an exciting intuitive adventure!

I was born and raised in Agawam, a suburb of Springfield in western Massachusetts. I went to Amherst College because it was the only college I visited where my  head tingled when I stepped foot on campus. That is just one of many intuitive-based decisions that got me where I am today.

Another one was relocating to San Francisco with a college buddy in early 2005 without place to live, a job lined up, or any substantial savings.  I was fearless and trusted my intuition completely.

My real adventure began when I quit my cubicle job in 2006. I took that leap of faith without knowing the incredible awakening that was in store for me. I started out as a self-employed massage therapist and freelance musician and composer. I have been employed by the Universe ever since.


Becoming one of the leading Universal White Time Crystal and Gemstone Healing Teachers in North America was not on my original plan for a career choice. It wasn’t even on my radar.

I have been employed by the Universe since I quit my cubicle job in 2006. I took that leap of faith without knowing the incredible awakening that was in store for me. I started out as a self-employed massage therapist and freelance musician and composer.

I had no real interest in healing with crystals except that an Amethyst point had recently called out to me. I was using it to dissolve fears and overcoming life obstacles in conjunction with the 40 day Lakshi Mantra practice at the time.

That all changed the day I met the head teacher for Universal White Time Gemstone Healing. I was intuitively guided to her doorstep on November 12th, 2o06.

Subsequently, during my first class with her, a “spiritual blockage” was removed from my aura that gave me a near instant download of knowledge and information I had acquired in multiple past lives as a crystal and gemstone healing master spanning as are back as Ancient Lemuria where I was one of the chief Priest-Heale

rs involved with creating the master crystals that encoded the special type of Ascension quartz crystals known as Lemurian Seed Crystals.

I wrote about my awakening as a crystal and gemstone healing master in chapter 19 of the Brave Healer’s Amazon Best-Selling book, The Energy Medicine Solutions.

Here is a testimonial from one of the Assistant Head Teachers for Universal White Time Energy Healing,

Bradford Tilden is a vey gifted and inspirational teacher of the Universal White Time Healing Gemstone Courses. I took the first 3 levels of the courses this past year and absolutely loved the work. Bradford has an amazing knowledge of the stones that seems to go back eons ago and carried forth with each lifetime. In addition, Bradford is an amazing musician and we all had the privilege of listening to his compositions while placing the stone layouts on each other which made the entire experience even higher. Loved every minute of it!

Sally Trautner, Asst Head Teacher UWTH



I am a born musician and composer.

I started playing piano and composing at the age of 8. Late for a prodigy, but I help my own at competitions. I used my composing, piano playing and poetry as an outlet for the complex emotions I was processing as a highly intuitive, bright gifted, extremely sensitive indigo child.

My piano music has the power to heal and awakening people. You can view listen to and download my original music here.


I refer to myself as a cosmic shamanic intuitive vibrational healing lightworker specializing in crystals, sound healing, and Universal White Time Energy and Gemstone Healing.

I have been employed by the Universe since I quit my cubicle job in 2006. I took that leap of faith without knowing the incredible awakening that was in store for me.

Here's my official bio:

Bradford W Tilden is a gifted and talented healer, musician, international best-selling author and shamanic light worker who identifies as a Star Seed ambassador for the New Earth. He enjoys planting seeds and making ripples in the higher consciousness fields through inspiration, education, and activation of human potential. He assists advanced seekers and energy workers to reach even higher levels of spiritual awareness and to attain greater expressions of their unique healing abilities through his private sessions, group sound healings, and certification courses in Universal White Time Healing, Lemurian Intuitive Natural Healing, and Transformational Voice Coaching. He currently resides in Central Connecticut.


Education: Bradford graduated magna cum laude from Amherst College in 2002 where he studied music composition under the Pulitzer Prize-winning composer, Lewis Spratlan. After a one-year fellowship as Assistant Choral Director at Amherst College, Bradford enrolled in a one-year Certification Program in Massage Therapy to pursue his interest in the healing arts. He then relocated to San Francisco in 2005 to continue his education in music and the healing arts at the Globe Institute of Sound Healing and Psycho-Acoustic Music.

After seven years in San Francisco and several tours of his sound healing meditations through Peru, Portugal, and Hawaii, he returned to Massachusetts to complete a Master’s Degree in Music Composition at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst in 2014.


Music: Bradford has been commissioned to compose music for hypnotherapists, massage therapists, life coaches, and energy-healers for use in guided meditations and healing sessions. He currently has five self-produced albums. Behind the Surface for piano solo (2007) is a collection of original contemporary classical piano music. The mood of the pieces ranges from meditative and relaxing to energizing and inspiring. Jewels of Joy for solo spontaneous piano (2007) was recorded over a period of nine weeks. Each track captures the music he created on the spot while energy healers gave “laying on of hands” treatments during a weekly spiritualist community service. Angelic Incarnation, an electro-acoustic sound journey (2008) highlights Bradford’s angelic vocal toning, crystal bowls, Tibetan bowls and gongs. Spirit Dome (2010) is a live acoustic sound meditation recorded at the Panteão Naçional, a stunning monument in the center of Lisbon, Portugal, renowned for its phenomenal natural acoustics. Archangel Meditations Part 1 (2021) is two half-hour channeled electro-acoustic sound meditations connecting with Archangels Michael and Uriel respectively.


Bradford joined the creative team of Cloud9 in 2016, a Connecticut based start-up that has launched two apps of “prescription-grade” meditations as the chief composer. MediMind is available on iOS and android platforms. MediGrade is being used in clinical trial studies at a number of hospitals across the globe to demonstrate the efficacy of guided meditation over prescription medication for issues such as pain management, weight-loss, cancer recovery, and addiction recovery. Bradford composes the music for the majority of those guided meditations. The overwhelmingly positive response to his music is such that Cloud9 is in the process of releasing a volume of his instrumental music over several digital distribution channels.



Bradford’s sound healings are otherworldly multi-dimensional quantum experiences that not only bring the participants to deep states of relaxation and restoration but also restores, recharges, clears and aligns the cellular and molecular structure of the individuals present.  Journeying, visitations from angels, higher beings and ancestors, awakenings, removal of pain, and clarity of purpose are just some of the results participants have described after attending one of Bradford’s live sound healing meditations.


Access Bradford’s music on all the major platforms. His growing discography, including recordings of his live sound meditations can be accessed at


Bradford’s private sessions combine three exclusive advanced modalities of universal white time energy healing, gemstone healing, and his signature intuitive shamanic sound healing.  He specializes in healing childhood and past life trauma, complementary care for cancer recovery, stress and pain reduction, fear dissolution, entity removals, crisis and grief management, and more. He focuses on removing blockages that stand in the way of reclaiming your power as a sovereign spiritual being of love and light expressing your full divine essence through the physical authentic Self. In doing so, this also illuminates and clarifies your purpose in life. Bradford’s work has been described as life-changing, and permanently improves his client’s quality of life, happiness, and sense of inner peace.


Universal White Time Healing (UWT) was first offered in Sweden in 1994 by the head Ambassador for Earth, and is now a growing global phenomenon. Bradford is one of the leading teachers in North America. UWT is an advanced healing modality designed by advanced universal beings of divine light who saw the need to help humanity heal and accelerate our spiritual growth. It comes in at a much higher frequency than Reiki, and all other Earth-based modalities.  There is no limit to how much you as a healer can grow in power and ability.   It is suitable to be taught to anyone with an interest in spirituality and healing 10 years of age or older.


To Book: Visit his website

Or Contact him at: 860-830-5841

Email: Info@

Session Packages are available


Bytes of Light Chapter Cover


Bradford Tilden

Profile picture of Bradford Tilden


Active 1 month, 3 weeks ago