Did you know that Harvard Business Review reports that coaching has helped many executives, entrepreneurs and individuals to catapult their careers, and to create better, more fulfilling, richer lives?
November is the month we celebrate Thanksgiving Day, and I want to celebrate Thanksgiving month. I am thankful for all the people I have been able to help reach a higher level of effectiveness, creativity and satisfaction in their life and I want to do this for more people. So I am making it more accessible and blowing the lid off of the benefit to cost ratio. Check out these specials for my coaching packages through the end of November http://bit.ly/pap-ts and see what my clients are saying here http://bit.ly/vlsraves
Visit and connect with Charles here: http://goo.gl/gSjoKq
#WUVIP 10-29-16-wu
Whatch for my Thanksgiving Special Offer tomorrow in the HUB! Visit and connect with Charles here: http://goo.gl/gSjoKq http://bit.ly/vlsraves