David McLeod posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Co-Author Callout!
Please say hello to Frank Byrum, wise contributor of Chapter 17, “Starting Again: A Spiritual Practice for Moving from Collapse to Hope”
Frank chronicles his personal journey through the physical world–conforming, fitting in, abiding by societal rules–similar, no doubt, to the kinds of experiences many of us go through. But,…[Read more] -
David McLeod posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Co-Author Callout!
Today, I’d like to introduce you to contributing co-author Mary Jo Halligan, who shared Chapter 16, “Releasing the Habits of Anxiety: The Art of Gratitude to Transform Your Life”
Mary Jo discusses how she had been struggling with excruciating abdominal pains and cramps that doctors could not explain. She realized that somehow…[Read more]
David McLeod posted an update 1 month, 3 weeks ago
Co-Author Callout!
Please say hello to contributing co-author Laura Di Franco, who shared Chapter 15, “It’s Not Personal: How to Shift Shame into Confidence”
In this chapter, Laura describes her childhood obsession with being a “good girl” and trying to keep everyone happy–who hasn’t been there, right? If you’re like Laura, then you already k…[Read more]
David McLeod posted an update 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Co-Author Callout!
Hello friends. Today, please say hello to contributing co-author Steve Halligan, who shared Chapter 14, “Beyond Limits: Discovering Your Why to Know Your Purpose”
In this chapter, Steve shares the birth and development of his passion for doing extreme endurance cycling events. And when I say extreme, I’m talking about distances…[Read more] -
David McLeod posted an update 1 month, 4 weeks ago
Co-Author Callout!
Today, I’m delighted to introduce wise co-author Laina Orlando, who contributed Chapter 13, “The Power of Oneness: Living from Love and Transforming Relationships”
Have you ever had the experience of a direct and profound communication with your concept of God or Higher Power? Not just a sense of his or her presence, but an…[Read more]
David McLeod posted an update 2 months ago
Co-Author Callout!
Friends, please say hello to co-author Ilene Dillon, wise contributor of Chapter 12, “Relationship Power: Wisdom for Creating a Longer, Healthier, and Happier Life”
Ilene chronicles her early life experience with dysfunctional families and how the challenges of these arrangements–especially the common theme of conditional…[Read more]
David McLeod posted an update 2 months ago
Co-Author Callout!
Today, it’s my pleasure to introduce co-author Susan Ernst who contributed Chapter 11, “Throw Some Love at It! Embracing Vulnerability on the Public Stage”
If you’ve ever been called to speak in front of a group of people–even a small one–you may have experienced the fear that often arises in the mind. Sometimes, this fear can…[Read more] -
David McLeod posted an update 2 months ago
Co-Author Callout!
Hello everyone! Please say hello to co-author Gwenda Smith, wise contributor of Chapter 10, “Embracing Your Heart’s Wisdom: A Journey to Abundance and Serenity”
In her capacity as a nurse supporting the transition of various individuals, Gwenda had a rare opportunity to preside over the passing of an aging couple. This e…[Read more]
David McLeod posted an update 2 months ago
Co-Author Callout!
Hello everyone! Today, I’m pleased to introduce you to co-author Janine Savient, who wrote Chapter 9, “Opening Inward: Living Life Through Body Presence”
Since early childhood, Janine has been aware of a high level of sensitivity to her environment and the people in it. She has also had an acute awareness of the illusions of…[Read more]
David McLeod posted an update 2 months ago
Co-Author Callout!
Hi friends, today my featured co-author is the delightful Jennifer Sproul, who wrote Chapter 8, “The Unexpected Gift of Infertility: Know Your Backstory, Heal Your Life”
Ironically, we sometimes take on beliefs about ourselves that seem reasonable when we are children–and may even help us to avoid pain in the process–but…[Read more]
The Wellness Universe posted an update 3 months, 2 weeks ago
Life Mastery Soul Memos with David McLeod
By David McLeod @davidmcleodGive yourself permission to trust in the unfolding of life and discover that true happiness and fulfillment come not from holding on, but from letting go.
Life-mastery-soul-memos-Releasing-Attachments -
The Wellness Universe posted an update 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Life Mastery Soul Memos with David McLeod
By David McLeod @davidmcleodEnlightenment and transcendence are not destinations but ongoing journeys. They depend on a willingness to explore and understand consciousness.
Soul-Memos-August -
David McLeod posted an update 5 months, 3 weeks ago
If you think Forgiveness is a powerful force, then you’ll love the idea of “Pre-Forgiveness”! I talk about this in my latest article on The Wellness Universe. Check it out: https://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/life-mastery-soul-memos-with-david-mcleod-31/
Life Mastery Soul Memos with David McLeod - The Wellness Universe BlogRooted in empathy, compassion, and an awareness of human imperfection, pre-forgiveness fosters healthier relationships and personal well-being.
The Wellness Universe posted an update 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Life Mastery Soul Memos with David McLeod
By David Mcleod @davidmcleodRooted in empathy, compassion, and an awareness of human imperfection, pre-forgiveness fosters healthier relationships and personal well-being.
https://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/life-mastery-soul-memos-with-david-mcleod-31/ Life-Mastery-Soul-Memos-2
David McLeod posted an update 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Hi Friends,
You’ve probably seen me post about the book collaboration I’m leading. Well, here is the “official” cover for that book, which will be published in early October. I hope you’ll help us launch this and get it to Best Seller status.
Stay tuned–more to come! OfficialBookCover -
David McLeod posted an update 6 months, 2 weeks ago
My in-depth article on “The Importance of Male Bonding” has just been published on The Wellness Universe Blog. If you are a man seeking some support–or if there’s a man in your life who might benefit from male…[Read more]The Importance of Male Bonding in Fostering Emotional Literacy and Emotional Intelligence - The Wellness Universe BlogThe psychological and physical health benefits of strong social connections between men underscore the importance of nurturing these bonds.
The Wellness Universe posted an update 6 months, 2 weeks ago
Life Mastery Soul Memos with David McLeod
By David D McLeod @davidmcleodWhen you identify all the story loops and belief systems that are part of the ego-mind’s structure, you can begin to gain clarity about your life.
https://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/life-mastery-soul…/ Life-Mastery-Soul-Memos-1
David McLeod posted an update 7 months, 1 week ago
In case you missed it, I’ve been looking for healing practitioners to join me in a book collaboration entitled
“Elder Wisdom: Healing Lessons and Gifts for the Next Generations”
I’m really excited about this project because I have a dream of bringing more honoring and reverence to the…[Read more] -
The Wellness Universe posted an update 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Life Mastery Soul Memos with David McLeod
By David Mcleod @davidmcleodThe quest for excellence is not a destination to be reached, but a journey to be embraced. It is a journey of self-discovery, of growth, of transformation.
https://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/life-mastery-soul-memos-with-david-mcleod-29/ Life-Mastery-Soul-Memos
The Wellness Universe posted an update 7 months, 2 weeks ago
Prioritize taking mental health care moments without guilt or shame. The Wellness Universe @thewellnessuniverse is supporting your best mental health with our #WellnessforAll special event: 5 Tools for Better Mental Health, live online May 4th, 12pmET / 9amPT.
Our experts will share wellness themed talks. Each speaker will share a…[Read more]