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    David McLeod posted an update
    Meditation always leads you... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 220603
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Today @ 1PM Eastern. Come join Gayle Nowak and me for an interactive discussion about showing up authentically in every situation. It's going to be powerful and entertaining. Sign up here: InvisibleNoMore-Webinar
    David McLeod posted an update
    Beware a recipe for disaster... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 220601
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Please join Gayle Nowak and me for a discussion about how to show up authentically. Your perspective is most welcome! Wed, 6/1/22, 1PM Eastern. Sign up here: InvisibleNoMore-LiL-forWU
    David McLeod posted an update
    When choosing a spiritual mentor... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 220530
    David McLeod posted an update
    There is much confusion about success... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 220527
    David McLeod posted an update
    You cannot find yourself, because... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 220525
    David McLeod posted an update
    Life Mastery Affirmation: I am gratefully mindful that... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 220523
    David McLeod posted a new activity comment
    Oh, I forgot to mention. The image that I upload to LiL is 1440x1080 pixels. However, the images I share out for promotion are all re-fitted to 1920x1080 (the same size as a HD video thumbnail). Here's an example of how it looks after it has been re-worked.InvisibleNoMore-LiL-forWU
    David McLeod posted a new activity comment
    Lynda, LiL uses the image you upload in 2 places: the banner for your class where people signup, and also the header image for the class that appears on the front page. Unfortunately, the images are then used in 2 different formats. I played around with this extensively to try and find one way to prepare my image so that it would look acceptable in both place. Sadly, that is not possible. But I think if you look at my images you'll see that I manged to get things to appear "acceptable" in both locations. I did this by creating my images with a lot of dead-space at the top and bottom. If you look at my latest class for LMTV Episode 199, you'll see what I mean. I'm attaching here the actual image that I created so you can see all the deadspace I'm talking about. Of course, the downside to all of this is that the images I create for LiL cannot really be used anywhere else, so I actually have to create secondary images that I use for promotion. If you happen to use Adobe Illustrator for generating images, I am happy to share my template file for anyone to use. I hope this information helps! Cheers, David InvisibleNoMore-LiL
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Join Rosemary and me at 1PM Eastern today for a powerful and inspiring conversation about "Spontaneous Healing". Your interaction and input is requested! Here's the registration link: SpontaneousHealing-Webinar
    David McLeod posted an update
    How big is your dream?... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 220518
    David McLeod posted an update
    To be truly free, begin by... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 220516
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Join Rosemary Levesque and me for a powerful and entertaining discussion about "Spontaneous Healing". Wed, May 18, 1PM Eastern. Here's the signup link: SpontaneousHealing-LiL-forWU
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Today, 2PM Eastern! Come join Laina and me for another lively "Wake Up Call!" In today's conversation, we're going to look at the concept of luck and how it affects us all. Gonna be fun! Here's the registration link: See you soon! Banner-1440x700
    David McLeod posted an update
    Satisfying worldly desires may... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 220513
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    The #SoulEmpowerment Team will be going live in 1 hour to discuss “Healthy Boundaries?” Come join the live conversation and share your perspective! Today, 1pm Eastern. Register Here: 220511-HealthyBoundaries-Embed
    David McLeod posted an update
    Life is neither hard nor easy... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 220511
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David McLeod

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Active 2 days, 12 hours ago