7/21 @ 1PM ET. Please join Harry Sherwood and me for a lively, entertaining, and educational discussion about dancing with the Present Moment. Sign up now: https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/LMTV-%23224%3A-The-Presence-Game-%28Harry-Sherwood%29/23027 230621-ThePresenceGame-ForWU
Today, 1PM ET. Please join the Soul Empowerment team as we work together to transform Instant Gratification into Instant Gratitude. Educational. Entertaining. Fun! https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/SE-%2342%3A-Instant-Gratitude/23024 230614-InstantGratitude-Embed
Wed, Jun 14, 1PM ET. Join the Soul Empowerment Team for another deep conversation. Let's transform Instant Gratification into Instant Gratitude! https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/SE-%2342%3A-Instant-Gratitude/23024 230614-InstantGratitude-ForWU
Life Mastery TV™ is a live semi-monthly program in which guest experts share wisdom and expertise about how to navigate the complex terrain of life. As the host of this program, I (Certified Master Life Coach David McLeod) interview each episode guest and facilitate a comprehensive conversation about a topic or teaching that seeks to help the audience to expand into the full expression of who they really are.
I am looking for appropriate guests to join me on my show. If you are a professional—for example, Life Coach, Therapist, Energy Healer, Reiki Practitioner, or any other Wellness supporter—in any field that seeks to help people grow into ever better versions of themselves, then I’d love to hear from you.
Episodes are aired live on the first and third Wednesday of every month from 1PM to 2PM Eastern Time. If you can be available for a live conversation about a topic that can help people toward Life Mastery, then I’d love to hear from you. Please fill out a topic description on my website, and I’ll get back to you with next steps.
Here is the link to the application form:
I hope to hear from you soon!
(Please share with anyone you think would make a great guest for this program.) WebsiteBanner-ShortPixel
Wed, 1PM ET. Please join Leah Skurdal and me for a wonderful and insightful discussion about how to elevate your vibration to make a powerful difference in the world! Sign up at the link below:
https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/LMTV-%23223%3A-Your-Vibration-is-Your-Currency-%28Leah-Skurdal%29/22984 230607-YourVibrationIsYourCurrency-ForWU
Today is the Day!
I hope you you’ll be able to check out the Find Your Voice Online Summit, a full day virtual event happening TODAY!
I’m delighted and honored to be one of the panelists for this event, and I’ll be sharing a presentation called “The ONLY Two Things You Need to Know to Have a FABULOUS Life!” In the presentation, I will also reveal a special discount code for a powerful self-healing process I’ll be offering.
Remember, this is a different Summit experience, a boutique experience that focuses on just one question:
“How do you make space for your inner healing?”
Come for the question, leave with some added tools to support you and your healing process.
Here is the page link with all the presenter bios and registration information. Tickets are on sale NOW! Only $27 gives you access to everything—right through to Sunday, May27th!
Do yourself a big favor and come join us for this amazing event! Hope to see you there!
Love, light and blessings,
David FYV Teaser FB
Today at 2PM ET. Join me as we visit River of Grace and investigate the amazing power of FLOW. This is going to be an amazing time together, so please don't miss it! https://bit.ly/GratefulAtLast
See you soon! Grateful at last final
Today, 1PM ET. Most people dislike conflict in any form, but it can be a powerful catalyst for change, and if we approach it with an open heart, it can also lead to deeper connection. Please join Marisa Ferrera and me for a deep conversation on this topic. Live presentation starting soon! https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/LMTV-%23222%3A-From-Conflict-to-Connection-%28Marisa-Ferrera%29/22949 230517-FromConflictToConnection-Webinar
I'm delighted and honored to be invited onto the panel of this amazing summit being hosted by Dianna Leeder and Atlantis Wolf on May 24. More details will be forthcoming, but please save the date and be sure to join us for the live event! FYV Teaser FB
Today, 1PM ET. Please join Tomas Garza and me for a deep dive conversation about miracles--with specific focus on "A Course in Miracles". Entertaining, educational, and fun! https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/LMTV-%23221%3A-Miracle-Magic-%28Rev-Tom%C3%A1s-Garza%29/22901 230503-MiracleMagic-Webinar
Today at 1PM ET. Please join Nancy Stevens and me for an empowering conversation about Well-Being and how you can improve and enhance yours! https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/LMTV-%23220%3A-Enhancing-Well-Being-%28Nancy-Stevens%29/22858 230419-EnhancingWellBeing-Webinar
Wed @ 1PM ET. Please join Kellan Fluckiger and me as we look at what it means to be of service to others. This is going to be a very deep dive, so I hope you'll join us and share your perspective. G:\SkyDrive\Business\LifeMastery\LM-TV\Episodes\2023\230315-JourneyOfService 230315-JourneyOfService-LiL-forWU
Today, 1PM ET. Are you working on being authentic, so people can see and experience the REAL you? Well, you'll love our conversation today, so I hope you'll join us and share your perspective! https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/SE-%2339%3A-Opening-the-Kimono/22722 230308-OpeningTheKimono-Embed
Mar 8 @ 1PM ET. Please join the newly constituted Soul Empowerment Team for a deep conversation about authenticity and vulnerability--the true sources of individual power. Bring your questions and comments. https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/SE-%2339%3A-Opening-the-Kimono/22722 230308-OpeningTheKimono-ForWU
Today, 1PM ET! Rachel Vasquez and I will be having a deep conversation about recovering from loss--and even finding inspiration. Touching, intimate, educational, and fun. Join us! https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/LMTV-%23217%3A-Finding-Inspiration-after-Loss-%28Rachel-Vasquez%29/22690 230301-FindingInspirationAfterLoss-Webinar
Mar 1 at 1PM ET. Join Rachel Vasquez and me for a deep and intimate look at loss and how we can find inspiration to live more fully. https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/LMTV-%23217%3A-Finding-Inspiration-after-Loss-%28Rachel-Vasquez%29/22690 230301-FindingInspirationAfterLoss-LiL-forWU
Today at 2PM ET we visit "Alignment Ridge" for a deep-dive study of Integrity and Accountability. Integrity is my personal highest value, and self-accountability is the primary way for maintaining Integrity in life. Please join me! https://so-ve.info/GratefulAtLast Grateful at last final
Today, 1PM ET. Please join Sharon Carne and me for today's live presentation on Life Mastery TV. It's doing to be a powerful exploration of sound and music for personal healing and growth! https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/LMTV-%23216%3A-Wired-for-Sound-%28Sharon-Carne%29/22564 230215-WiredForSound-Webinar
Wed, 2/15, 1PM ET. Join Sharon Carne and me for a conversation about the power of sound and music for personal healing. This is going to be a blast! https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/LMTV-%23216%3A-Wired-for-Sound-%28Sharon-Carne%29/22564 230215-WiredForSound-LiL-forWU
1PM ET Today! Please join us for another entertaining and educational deep dive. Let's consider what we can do when things go wrong. See you soon! https://wellnessuniverse.learnitlive.com/Class/SE-%2338%3A-When-Murphy%E2%80%99s-Law-Prevails/22516 230208-WhenMurphysLawPrevails-Embed