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    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Wednesday, 1PM ET. Ever had one of those days when everything seems to go wrong? Is the Universe trying to send you a message? Maybe it's time to listen! Join us for the live presentation. 230208-WhenMurphysLawPrevails-ForWU
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Today, 1PM ET. Please join Diane Achatz and me for today's discussion. Diabetes doesn't have to hold you hostage, and neither does any diet you try in order to control your weight and improve your health. Educational and Fun! Starting soon. 230201-DeprivationNoMore-Webinar
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Feb 1st, 1PM ET. If you have ever been on a diet, then you already have a good sense of the kind of discomfort it can create--especially if you have health issues. Join Diane Achatz and me for a deep discussion on this topic, and learn how not to deprive yourself! 230201-DeprivationNoMore-LiL-forWU
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Today at 2PM ET, we continue our journey to Destiny Point, where we take a deep dive into Spiritual Purpose. Join me and walk away with a clear and concise purpose statement to inspire your life! Grateful at last final
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    1PM ET: Please join Dr. Dolores Fazzino and me for an empowering conversation about the magical nature of healing. Here's the direct signup link: 230118-MagicalHealing-Webinar
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Jan 18, 1PM Eastern. Join Dolores Fazzino and me to learn how to connect with the magical power of healing so that stress and anxiety literally melt away. Educational and Fun! 230118-MagicalHealing-LiL-forWU
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    1PM Eastern. Come join the Soul Empowerment team as we embrace curiosity and consider many different sources of "Messages from Beyond". It's going to be educational and fun! 230111-MessagesFromBeyond-Embed
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    1/11/1PM ET. The Soul Empowernent Team offers another compelling and inspiring conversation for your participation. Our topic this time: "Messages from Beyond". Please join us for the live event: 230111-MessagesFromBeyond-ForWU
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Today, 1PM ET. Please join Anna Pereira and me for an empowering conversation about how to embrace and express your awesomeness all year long! 230104-AwesomenessAllYearLong-Webinar
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Come claim some AWESOMENESS (All Year Long) with me and my good friend Anna Pereira. Wed, Jan 4, 1PM Eastern. 230104-AwesomenessAllYearLong-LiL-forWU
    David McLeod posted an update
    The ultimate expression of... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 221230
    David McLeod posted an update
    When you offer something from a mindset... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 221228
    David McLeod posted an update
    Enlightenment and transcendence depend upon... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 221226
    David McLeod posted an update
    Your shadow is only in the dark because... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 221223
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Live at 1PM ET. Join Debbra Lupien and me for a deep dive into the gifts and wonders of meditation. It will be educational and entertaining! 221221-MeditationMagic-Webinar
    David McLeod posted an update
    Life Mastery Affirmation: I am humbled in the deep knowing... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 221219
    David McLeod posted an update
    Your holistic human nature consists... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 221216
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Session 6. Live at 2PM ET. Come join me as we visit "Nama Station" for an in-depth exploration of the amazing power of Forgiveness. Your participation is needed! Grateful at last final
    David McLeod posted an update in the group The Lounge
    Live at 1PM ET. Holidays may feel like you are approaching a tidal wave in a row boat! But you can prepare yourself, and even set yourself up for an enjoyable experience. Join us to learn some tips! 221214-HolidayStormsInTheFamily-Embed
    David McLeod posted an update
    If you want to give yourself a gift... #LifeQuotes #LifeMastery #PersonalGrowth #PersonalDevelopment #Inspiration #Affirmations 221214
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David McLeod

Profile picture of David McLeod


Active 1 day, 16 hours ago