• Gianna Cerrat, CINHC, AADP posted an update 4 years, 6 months ago

    Hands up if you’re battling a bloated stomach more often than not? Maybe you wake up with a relatively flat stomach but suddenly find that you get really bloated as the day goes on. Or maybe you’re just bloated from the moment you get up and you can’t remember the last time your stomach looked flat. Whatever your situation, bloating can have a big effect on your self confidence and body image, and it can be pretty uncomfortable too.

    Here’s some good news though. With a few simple lifestyle changes, you can get back in control and banish a bloated stomach.

    This week we are doing the Beat the Bloat Challenge, where you’ll discover some of the ways you can say goodbye to bloating for good.

    With this 4 day challenge, I’m going to share with you how to get rid of bloating. We’ll be discussing a different tactic each day and by the end of the week, you’ll understand some of the factors that cause bloating and will be well on your way to beating it.

    Sign-Up for the FREE Beat the Bloat 4-Day Challenge here: https://p.bttr.to/3enAU8O

    Comment below if you are going to join us and share if you struggle with bloating on a regular basis or if it’s something that bothers you every now and again. See you Tuesday, June 2nd when this free coaching challenge begins! Slide01

    Hands up if you’re battling a bloated stomach more often than not? Maybe you wake up with a relati