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    Heather Corinne Lang posted an update
    The greatest challenges are brilliant opportunities. Often we become upset when we run into challenges, or we find ourselves in a very uncomfortable situation. It is at this time we are expected to shine. The toughest struggles, the biggest obstacles and the greatest challenges are intended to strengthen us, heal us and transform us. They are for our highest good to help redirect us in a better manner. It may not seem this way at first, but when you continue to persevere, work through it and deal with it in Love, you are able to blossom right where you are in the perfect way for you. You can take advantage of the situation to attain new wisdom to share with others while using your gifts, talents & passions in a new way. Thus, you “Awaken a more brilliant version of you™” ~ slide1
    Heather Corinne Lang posted an update
    Love you, Heal you. When we truly love ourselves, with our supposed "faults" and all, we can heal ourselves. We need to listen to our inner chatter about ourselves, and change anything which is not positive, into a positive thought, accepting it and adjusting our perspective of ourselves. We can determine where this judgement of ourselves has come from, feel any pain to deal with the issue and thus, heal it. This allows us to truly love everything about ourselves. It helps us transform ourselves, where we no longer have this issue, negative reaction and any other harmful feeling or thought about ourselves. Remember, we are listening to ourselves, therefore, and our thoughts are energy. What we send out in energy format, we attract back to us whether, thought, spoken words or actions. To change what we are attracting, we need to change our thoughts, as they are extremely powerful and the energy we send out. By changing our thoughts, we change our spoken words and our actions, we transform our lives by attracting more positive experiences and people. By truly loving ourselves, we can heal ourselves, to transform ourselves, which is helping us to awaken our most brilliant selves. “Awaken a more brilliant version of you™”~ slide1
    Heather Corinne Lang posted an update
    Thoughts powerfully create reality. Be mindful of your thoughts as they are shaping your reality. Our minds are extremely powerful tools in creating our lives. If we continue to think we are not enough, we won't be. If we obsess about not being beautiful, we won't appear that way to others. If we don't think we have enough money, we won't be. If we worry about getting sick, we can become sick. Thoughts are energy and they are sending the energy into the universe, and the universe is sending it back to you without judgement or labeling the thoughts as good or bad. Humans are the only ones that assign labels. For instance, weeds like dandelions are either bad, beautiful. They are either work or wishes. This image is a close up of dandelions with dew. I believe beautiful. We can begin to change our lives by changing our thoughts, beliefs, opinions and perceptions. Like attracts like, and it is the same with energy, and since your thoughts are energy, you are attracting that same energy back to you, creating and shaping your reality. Change your thoughts, change your reality. “Awaken a more brilliant version of you™” ~ Namaste! <3 ~ Heather slide1
    Heather Corinne Lang posted an update
    Use Love to create your dream life. When we use the universal Divine Love within us to create our lives, our ideal lives will manifest much easier. Loving those around us, loving what we do, and loving every experience and encounter brings Love back to us. Love is an energy, and what we send out as energy, returns to us as the same type of energy. During the creation of our ideal life, we must work on healing our pasts, transforming them and awakening to our inner truths. This brings our authenticity to the surface, shining our inner Light with Love. Exuding our unique gifts, talents and gifts, sharing of ourselves, attracts opportunities, people and experiences to further help us manifest our dreams in communion with the Universal, or Spirit. Remember, our souls are part of Spirit, and thus we are the Divine Light. This provides us the energy we require to life our passions with even more Love. “Awaken a more brilliant version of you™”~ Namaste! <3 ~ Heather slide1
    Heather Corinne Lang posted an update
    Reiki energy is a powerful method to help you heal yourself! I'm offering $15 off a session in November for #WUVIP members. My sessions include healing energy, plus spiritual messages which can come from angels, your guides, guardians and/or ancestors, plus other highly vibrational beings, and totem, spirit and medicine animals. Contact me to book a free consultation or an appointment! Namaste! slide1
    Heather Corinne Lang posted an update
    Understanding of interconnectedness creates Unity. Understanding the interconnectedness between all of Life brings wisdom and thus Unity. Each and every person is connected to each other in some way. We are all connected to all the creatures on this earth. We are all connected to the plant life, the water and the air. It is necessary to understand this interconnectedness to realize anything we do to another comes back to us. Separateness is an illusion. Yes, we are all unique, yet we are all unique expressions of the Divine. Our souls come from the One Spirit, and thus we are all One. We are all energy, and exchange energy every day. If we harm an individual, we harm All, whether it is human, animal, plant, water or air. It affects and effects us All. It creates a ripple of energy. We can help each other by exuding only positive energy, such as kindness, love, compassion, understanding and peace. This is not to say we should not feel all emotions, but that we recognize we can heal from those emotions versus burying them or allowing them to fester in some way. To move from the idea of separateness to Unity is understanding the differences of each person and realize the differences are for a reason. These differences include opinions, beliefs, gifts, talents and more. In our authenticity, we can Unite, to share our uniqueness for balance and harmony. While one person is a healer, another is a musician. Both unique expressions of the Divine, while being One. When we understand this concept, this interconnectedness, we can make wiser choices for ourselves and for All of Life. We can choose to be kinder, more compassionate and understanding. We can do more of what we can to help each other. We can think of other ways to Live with each other, creating more harmony and peace for ourselves and for All. “Awaken a more brilliant version of you™” ~ Namaste! <3 ~ Heather slide1
    Heather Corinne Lang posted an update
    Your treasures are within the depths of your soul. Dive deep into your inner depths to discover your soul treasures. These treasures are your unique gifts, talents & Light. Like the waves of the ocean, bringing the shells to the sand, allow your gifts to wash up to the surface for the world to see. Your gifts are your talents, and meant for your divine purpose. To reveal these treasures, it is important to awaken your authenticity. Your authenticity are your true beliefs, opinions and thoughts you have developed with your experiences. Others will connect to your authenticity, allowing you to reveal your treasures to them. When we resonate with our true selves, show others this authenticity and share & give our unique gifts, we are living our divine purpose. Your divine purpose is what excites you and feels right to you. It is working with the divine timing to both learn from your experiences and heal from any past issues, and in turn manifesting your dreams through your brilliant authenticity. Namaste! <3 ~ Heather “Awaken a more brilliant version of you™” slide1

Heather Corinne Lang

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Active 3 years, 11 months ago