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    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    “An Indian knows no pain!” (German proverb) and “Boys don’t cry!”. Who among us does not know these sayings from their childhood? For centuries, the male role expectations have been shaped by a patriarchal society in which performance, toughness, discipline and strength play a very important role. Thus, it is hardly surprising that many (young) men who were born highly sensitive or highly perceptive (approx. 15–20% of all men) are thrown into emotional turmoil because they are unable to live up to the traditional male ideals. Many of them would gladly stand by their emotionality, their sensibility or their sensitivity to pain, but they were taught to hide it or cover it up as children because giving in to such sentiments would be “unmanly”. Owing to such inner conflicts and identity problems, misunderstandings and crises can arise in relationships. However, these can be eliminated as soon as both partners endeavour to clear the air and are not afraid to discover new facets and aspects of themselves and others. Angel Aura Essence ARCHANGEL GABRIEL: This angel energy not only purifies the subtle body, e.g. the aura and chakras, but also provides support on the paths of self-awareness and re-orientation. Highly sensitive 36_WU
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    HIGHLY SENSITIVE people frequently do not fit the patterns prescribed by our success- and achievement-oriented society. After all, it is not their chief purpose in life to participate in economic struggle and competition, but they are frequently socially, artistically or creatively inclined. Therefore, they sometimes face more difficulties in professional life than others when they try to establish themselves in a “conventional job”. And that eats away at their self-esteem. My Angel Aura Essence ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL is a very good support for the strengthening of self-esteem. It has been used very successfully by many people since 1998. Here you can test yourself and find out whether you are highly sensitive: Highly sensitive 5_WU
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    Have you ever thought about the difference between sensitivity and shyness? (High) sensitivity is related to a sensitive nervous system and is heritable, shyness on the other hand, is a state of mind or a character trait and is never inherited. Nevertheless, highly sensitive people are often wrongly labelled as shy, although all they need is quiet or distance from other people. Unfortunately, the word “shyness” carries negative connotations with many people and is confused with timidity, insecurity, nervousness, self-consciousness or diffidence, which can be very irksome for highly sensitive people (who are actually not shy). Therefore, my dear highly sensitive people, make yourselves aware of the difference between sensitivity and shyness. Do not allow yourselves to be told by others that you are shy! The Ascended Master MARTHA provides us with her energy in the form of an Aura Essence as a spiritual tool for inner stability and natural authority. It is especially suited for becoming aware of and living one’s power and strength. Highly sensitive 34_WU
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    Maybe you are HIGHLY SENSITIVE without knowing it … Are you one of those people who sense external stimuli, the mood of other people, or the energies in rooms more strongly than most other people? Do you think you are more sensitive or thin-skinned than your fellow human beings? Do you have a problem with crowds of people or busy places? Are justice and harmony very important to you? Are you very sensitive to pain or changes in the weather? Do you feel disturbed on nights of a full moon? If you can relate to this, then you can test yourself here: Highly sensitive 1_WU
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    OPEN THE DOOR FOR THE MIRACLES OF LIFE! In our high-tech world, we have discarded our belief in miracles a long time ago. Why does this not surprise you? Because miracles need time and space to happen. If you plan every little detail in advance, where is the room for miracles in your life? Therefore, open the door for spontaneity and ease, and invite miracles into your life. It is not necessary for you to recognise them as such! Because sometimes they are already there, while you are still searching for them. My Angel Aura Essence ARCHANGEL METATRON can help you to open yourself for miracles in your life: 74913811_3024667824228999_1411636315744632832_n
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    BE YOURSELF! THERE IS ONLY ONE YOU IN THE WHOLE WORLD! Why do you actually consider what other people think about you? Why do you compare yourself with others? Why are you unhappy with yourself? Who do you admire…and, most importantly, why? Do not slip into a role which has nothing to do with you. You are unique. Why do you risk being a bad copy of somebody else? Be authentic and be true to yourself! There is only one YOU in the whole world! My Angel Aura Essence ARCHANGEL CHAMUEL can help you with love and self-love. 24129825_519818041713690_9161775801905102692_n
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    BE OPEN FOR THE PRESENTS OF YOUR LIFE! Sometimes life has gifts in store for us which we do not recognize as such, because we had hoped for something entirely different. Or because we cannot perceive that certain situations are in fact gifts for us. They involve the chance to learn, to grow, or to realign ourselves. The gifts of life are not always decorated with a big ribbon, which it why it is sometimes difficult to see them as such at first sight. What is the gift you received last? www.ingridauer.com27067540_544709832557844_6209540722763334501_n
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    “Over thousands of years, women have been the (physically) weaker sex, a fact which has been exploited by men. You women were not able to defend yourselves against men, which caused a lot of injuries. They are still saved in the morphogenetic field, in your mass consciousness. The result was an imbalance between the female and male energies on earth. Now the time of a new consciousness has come, eventually transforming and healing the female injuries. Once again a balance between the sexes is possible.” Message of the ASCENDED MASTER SARA-LA-KALI © Ingrid Auer 30705948_582007498828077_7825266346948555914_n
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    SERENITY & COMPASSION As conscious beings, we want to be able to believe that our existence has a deeper meaning. By connecting with others, giving them something and bringing joy into their lives, we give value and meaning to our own lives. All this comes from the power of compassion. 46844427_2385602824802172_321350591253053440_n
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    TAKE TIME FOR YOUR FEMININITY. SURROUND YOURSELF WITH WOMEN I remember the time in my life when I used to hold women’s evenings in my home. I was a single mother then, and I loved to dive into the energy of this group of women. I was not aware that we women should always look for the presence of other women to joyfully and consciously immerse in the femininity which connects us. Or to strengthen ourselves and recharge in the female energy field. These meetings do not even have to aim for serious or profound conversations. No, there can be laughing and fooling around. Simply the coming together of women who appreciate and like each other, and want to be there for one another, is a precious present in our male-dominated time. Just spending a few hours with women only, strengthens and nourishes our female basic strength within us. So what discourages us from organizing private women’s meetings or little women’s parties from time to time? Or just being together with women to give support, strength, comfort and attention regularly? No matter where these meetings take place, in a private home, in a restaurant, on the beach or during a walk: let us take more time consciously for our femininity, and let us dive into the connecting feminine energy field! adobestock_120368864-2
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    Some of my BEAUTIFUL SPIRITUAL TOOLS... Lemurian Goddesses's Symbols and Aura Essences for shifting consciousness and healing (female) emotional/energetical injuries from this life and past lives 🌸🌸🌸 60959121_10211169033461785_8686241214908858368_o
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    Angel for Faith and Trust With the help of this angel (symbol) we are able to let go of our compulsions, visions and wishes and come to trust that everything that happens will be for our best. We can stop struggling and trust that everything in life has its meaning and its rightness. If we pay attention to our inner voice, it will tell us what is right and important for us – no matter what others may say. Letting go and trust will take us further than wanting and struggling. 28467729_558028727892621_2253742619558948220_n
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    Message of Saint BERNADETTE: “You have a certain idea how to present yourself, and what image others should have of you. You try hard to be (or at least seem) as perfect as pos- sible. This causes enormous inner pressure, which is not good for you. There- fore, accept your imperfection by loving yourself. However, keep developing. You are all on the path towards mastery.” 29197292_567188330309994_5925899633504838153_n
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    LOVE YOURSELF, BUT DON'T FORGET THE OTHERS! Love yourself! Be yourself! Discover yourself! Take care of yourself! YES, all of that is important. For a long time humans were brought up in the belief that they should do their utmost to better the lives of other people - but they forgot to pay attention to themselves and their own needs. But as with so many things in life, it also needs a balance between self-love and altruism. 29216363_567199683642192_7313237732491802478_n
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    WHY HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSONS ARE FREQUENTLY MORE LENIENT TOWARDS OTHERS THAN THEY ARE TOWARDS THEMSELVES. The world outside adjusts to the average, and when people think and act differently than the general public, they are called unworldly. They are even told that they live in a bubble, in an illusory or a fantasy world. This is why many highly sensitive persons think that they should adopt the “norm” or the “average” in order to be able to get along in the world and be accepted by it 28828571_568360040192823_3687383290758607596_o
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    Message of the ASCENDED MASTER MARY JACOBE: “You people often show the tendency to flee from the present, from human reality. You look for numerous earthly distractions, or you just energetically drift away with a part of your awareness. At the same time, you are forever waiting for a better life, a better partner, or a better job. This does not only make you waste your lifetime but also your energies. Be grateful and accept your present situation the way it is. Because it contains everything you need right now!” © Ingrid Auer 29598312_575988129430014_6927256512595761743_n
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    Re-charging energy - using my energized and high vibrating ANGEL SYMBOLS FOR CHILDREN (and the Inner Child). 29750111_577308802631280_4112858190515615003_o
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    Message from the ANGEL FOR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: “Not everybody is able to live unconditional love. People who have closed their hearts, who have not activated their higher vibrating chakras, are incapable of unconditional love. Because loving unconditionally is more than having a positive characteristic. It is a form of developed charity. However, in your society, you often handle love like some sort of exchange deal. On the basis of the maxim: you give to me, then I’ll give to you. Or: you give first, before I give you something back (love). Unconditional love should be free of expectations. It is one of people’s greatest challenges to live unconditional love.” © Ingrid Auer 30652928_580317785663715_6220392656557567140_n
    Ingrid Auer posted an update
    THE SYMBOLS OF LEMURIAN GODDESSES No.20 Ukeral’ha – Goddess of The Universe Feel inside you, which topics appeal to you at the moment, which ones seem awkward, give you pleasure, and which ones do you want to deal with next: Multidimensionality ~ Commuting between worlds ~ Life plan ~ Astral projection ~ Unity ~ All-embracing love ~ Infinity ~ DNA activation ~ Initiation; Longing for „home“ ~ Not wanting to be here ~ Escapism ~ Lack of grounding ~ Being prone to tears ~ Lone wolf 41880672_694795684215924_8194681314528460800_n
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Ingrid Auer

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Active 1 year, 5 months ago