• Jennifer Tasker posted an update 2 years, 7 months ago

    Congratulations @sharonrandall! You are our featured WU World-Changer in this week’s WU newsletter! Enjoy the WU spotlight! <3 Jenny <3

    • So grateful to be the featured in the WU World-Changer Newsletter. It’s been almost a year since Anna Pereira reached out to me on LinkedIn. Anna’s message was an answer to Prayer; I was in a dark place from certain circumstances in my life. I prayed asking for support and encouragement: Anna sent that message to me. I joined Clubhouse thru Anna then became a member of WU: I found like minded people and a soul tribe. Becoming a WU member was a big step toward my soul purpose of embracing myself as a Healing Mentor /Wellness Practitioner. I so appreciate being involved in WU as I have met so many amazing empowered, supportive people. It’s encouraged and supported me in my own empowerment. Healing Prayers, Peace and Blessings to ALL.