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    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Are you a wellness professional? Doe you want to get more awareness of your brand, products, or service? Do you want to share insights and knowledge with the world? Why not schedule a time with me to chat about being a guest on the "Your Brain Shift" podcast ( Reach our at [email protected] Bi-weekly podcasts that promote mindset shifts and brain-shifts for greater success, health and wellness, and fulfillment. SiteLogo210x50
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    2020 has been a year of major change and challenge. For many, it has induced anxieties, depression, and for some trauma. Today is Mental Health Day and a time to focus on how these changes or trauma have impacted one's mental health. Meditation has been researched for years as a way to better one's mental health, reduce or eliminate anxiety , depression, and more. Why not explore this time tested tool for mental health. Explore some FREE samples of my NeuroYoga.Zone Meditations at Subscriptions to all the meditations are available there and InsightTimer at #mentalhealth #wellness #mind #anxiety #meditate #meditation #depression mental-health-4232031_640
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Your Brain Shift Podcast Episode 1 is now on-line. via @YouTube Cohosts Keith Engelhardt and Kevin McKinnon introduce the Your Brain Shift Podcast and share insight about "Passion and Purpose". Website: FaceBook Header
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    NeuroYoga.Zone™ Meditations are now available on-line. Details for the monthly subscription and how to get access is available at http://Meditation.NeuroYoga.Zone Meditation, meditation for sleep, meditation music, sleeping music, stress relief, stress reducing music, stress reduction, stress reduction music NeuroYoga.Zone™ Meditations integrate the latest neuroscience with the wisdom traditions of Meditation and Mindfulness to quicken obtaining inner balance by using “NeuroPatterning” to aid with: • reducing stress • reducing anxiety, panic or worry, or depression • lowering blood pressure • easing PTSD and Trauma • increasing focus • aiding sleep and more... Neuroscience reveals that we have 60 - 80 thousand thoughts a day. Quite a bit of time spent avoiding who we really are and our true potential, or looping through negative and anxious thoughts. And the whirlpool of thought is the source of a great deal of our problems in life. As a master yoga, meditation, and mindfulness instructor for four decades, Keith Engelhardt has been committed several to helping people release and reverse the impact of stress and is a member of the American Institute of Stress. He has also taught yoga to the touring cast of CATS™. In addition, he is a certified Yoga2Life™ Mentor Life Coach, and has a certificate in Neuroscience and Yoga in the Treatment of Complex, Developmental, or Repeated Trauma. Keith has carefully crafted these NeuroYoga.Zone™ Meditations to help you "Transform the tyranny of stress to tranquility!™" New meditations are continuously added. Sign-up today at http://Meditation.NeuroYoga.Zone and begin your journey to less stress, greater focus and productivity. #Meditation #meditation music #stress relief, #stress reduction #music meditation-1384758_1920
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Resilience During 2020's Uncertainty and Change   2020 has started with and will continue to have uncertainty and change.   Uncertainty and change can be unsettling and stressful. In fact our brains are wired to fear it. They like familiarity and patterns. They also like to focus on problems and the potholes in life. However, you don't have to stay in any fear, stress, or anxiety that you are experiencing in these uncertain times. STOP STRESSING! Learn to live your future with a mindset of abundance, joy and resilience.   Your guides for this event are:   Keith Engelhart A.S., B.A., MYT Keith is a member of the American Institute of Stress and he has been teaching Hatha Yoga and Meditation for over 30. In addition, he is a certified “Yoga2Life”™ Mentor Life Coach, and has a certificate in Neuroscience & Yoga in the Treatment of Complex, Developmental, or Repeated Trauma."   Sue Bryan MA (Author of Being Truly Happy: Seven Secrets of Truly Happy People) has extensive experience as an educator, a visionary and a coach. She founded Inward Journey with a mission to support people in their Self-Realization.   We move towards fulfillment in all three areas, but we are often held back by a lack of self-awareness, and by limiting beliefs that run as background music throughout our lives. Join Sue and Keith to learn techniques and mindsets to build “Resilience During 2020's Uncertainty and Change”.   Register today for this event, space is limited.   You can send any questions you want addressed to Information video: [email protected] and we will do our best to cover them in the webinar. There will also be a Q/A session at the end. Sharing is caring. Spread the word. Information video:   BeginingScreen
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    STOP STRESSING ABOUT COVID-19 FOR FREE. Get Fun Effective Actionable Relief for any fear, stress, or anxiety that you are experiencing. Join, Keith Engelhardt (Master Yoga/Meditation/Mindfulness instructor) and learn simple science based techniques to offset and release and reverse the impact of stress in your life. Keith is a member of the American Institute of Stress and he has been teaching Hatha Yoga and Meditation for over 30 years at Dayton area institutions including Montgomery Co. Career Technology Center, The Dayton Heart Fitness Center, and Samaritan North Wellbeing Center. He has also taught yoga to the touring cast of CATS ™. In addition, he is a certified “Yoga2Life”™ Mentor Life Coach, and has a certificate in Neuroscience & Yoga in the Treatment of Complex, Developmental, or Repeated Trauma." You can trust Keith to guide you to the awakening of your potential and possibilities that abound when we transcend stress. Join Keith as he guides you to a level of tranquility few of us experience in our hectic daily lives; especially in the current Corona Virus situation. DON'T LET THE EVENTS OF 2020 DEFINE YOU. Learn actionable tools to use going forward to maintain a health stress free mindset for your future. ATTEND FOR FREE, on any device, from anywhere. Space is limited, so sign up today for one of three dates and times: Mar 26, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance at:…/regist…/vpwsdumhpz8tEPpkYW-bLeaSXQ_ELRLSFg Apr 2, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance at:…/regist…/u5UrduGupjwv05yJIigv4MhuBfNyglBXuQ Apr 7, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance at:…/regist…/uJEtcOmgrD4uzl51xKmRFBPbt1YJ6PcnmA After registering for either of these events, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the event. #Covid-19 #Covid_19 #Covid19 #stress #stressRelief Covid-19 Stop Stressing
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    STOP USING THE TERM “SOCIAL DISTANCING”; REPLACE IT WITH “PHYSICAL DISTANCING” Why you ask? Because the words we use are important. Implicit to using the term “social distancing” is the inference that we need to isolate socially. That is no true, nor does it benefit us. In fact, it harms us. We are social creatures and being social and having human connection is important to both our physical and mental health. Re-framing the distancing we need to do in this health emergency to “Physical Distancing” might seem trite; however, it changes the implicit message. We can socialize at a distance using technology, at a physical distance as we have seen in other countries' group singing on balconies… The creative ways we can socialize and not be close physically is only limited by our imagination and creativity. And that socialization not only reduces stress an anxiety, it makes us healthier and able to be resilient as we move forward into our new future. “PHYSICAL DISTANCING” Pass the phrase socially in as many creative ways that you can while for the time being physically distance. #Covid-19 #Covid19 #Covid_19 #Health #wellness personal-3139194_1920
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Do you know "How to be successful with New Year Resolutions"? Why not make 2020 the year you have "2020" vision on how to achieve success at anything you choose to change? Attend this FREE "Master Your Mind" webinar and learn five secrets that will exponentially increase your success with your New Year resolution or anything else you wish to master with the success you deserve. One of those 5 secrets is the secret behind the success of the super wealthy. Intro video: Sign up today! Space is limited. #MindMastery #MasterYourMind #Success #NewYearResolution #NewYear #MindMastery #MasterYourMind #Success #NewYearResolution #NewYear
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    “Nothing in the universe can stop you from letting go and starting over.” — Guy Finley Well not quite. Only you and your mindset can keep you from letting go and starting over. While the new year and the road ahead may seem new, a bit mysterious, or foreign, take the leap with a fresh start; leaving what hasn't worked behind you. #neuroyogazone #mistakes #insight #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesscoach #meditationcoach #wellbeing #stress #stressreduction #attitude #perspective #truth #wisdom #NewYear #reflection #regret #life #StartingOver #choices #GuyFinley NeuroNudge-StartingOver2020
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    #neuroyogazone #mistakes #insight #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesscoach #meditationcoach Neuronudge-FutureTruth
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Just launched a new YouTube channel "Master Your Mind" Minutes™ Short videos to help you learn what Neuroscience reveals about your mind and how to "Master Your Mind" Subscribe to this channel to get all the latest "Master Your Mind" Minutes™ Share it with others. Visit: to learn about the "Master Your Mind" Mastermind Group Visit: to schedule a free a FREE "Discovery Session". Check out all the Sawatch Solutions LLC programs and transform the Tyranny of Stress to Productivity™ at #MasterYourMind #Neuroscience #masterminds #mastermind #Mindset #Brain #BrainScience #SawatchSolutions YouTubeChannelHeader
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Visit to start your journey toward total health. For a taste of the insights from interviews with the 18 leading wellness professionals watch #stress #stressrelief #stressreduction #health #totalhealth #balance #worklifebalance #worklife #body #mind #emotion #spirit #neuroyoga #neuroyogazone #totalhealthsummit #summit Total_Health Summit_Banner 3
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Join me and 17 other health and wellness professionals to experience “Total Health” by balancing body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Details and registration at THS-KarinsPromoImageKE
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Our 2019 Total Health Summit™ is progressing nicely. We have a team of 14 for this virtual on-line event. The launch date is Oct 13. However, we are seeking additional Health and Wellness professionals to add to the team to make the event even more amazing. If you would like to participate, or you know someone that might want to participate, all that would be necessary a picture, short bio and a short description of your topic and a 30-60 interview recording (recorded on Zoom video conferencing) of you addressing your topic. I or one of the other presenters would do the interview. The common structure/format for the interviews/sharing: • Background/expertise of the presenter • Their story/dip (Refer to Story Telling With Lisa Nichols ) • Your speaker content 3 – 5 learning points about you topic focus that will benefit your audience • A pitch for any additional resources for Summit attendees, or path to take (Coaching, workshops, mastermind, classes, etc… that you offer) • Wrap up If you would like a peek of one the speaker’s recordings, visit 2019 Total Health Summit™ - KARIN BRAUNER: Setting clear boundaries for stress relief… Use the password LetMeWatch to get access. All profits (revenues – costs and a 20% admin fee) are split between the speakers, and they also get free access to the summit and You will also be automatically set up as an affiliate for the Total Health Summit. What does that mean you ask? It means you can earn 10% of every referral that you make that results in a membership purchase on the site. When you use our "Links & Banners" to see the links and banners you can use in FB posts, web pages, blog post and email to promote the site. When someone clicks on them to get to the website and registers, you will earn 10% of the sale. How cool is that? That’s free money of the top for helping promote the summit. Your earnings will be paid to a PayPal Account the beginning of each month. We also have many ways you can promote awareness and exposure of your services and offerings. We would love for you to join us. Reach out, Keith Founder/CEO Sawatch Solutions LLC. / NeuroYoga.Zone TotalHealthSummitLogo_BlueBG
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    I am seeking a few more individuals that have an interest in participating as presenters in an on-line Total Health Summit to launch Oct 13, 2019. Rather than having a live event and trying to anticipate everyone’s schedule and match that with potential clientele, we plan to pre-record the presentations/workshops using Zoom video conferencing. Here's the initial marketing pitch. 2019 Total Health Summit Are you feeling overworked and unproductive? • Imagine learning how to reduce stress • Envision decreasing being overwhelmed by work or life • Visualize learning how to find balance How would that change your life? Get ready to be inspired and empowered to take the next transformational step forward in your health and wellness adventure. Get ready to: reduce stress, decrease being overwhelmed, and find balance. • Why not gain knowledge on how to achieve physical, mental, and spiritual balance and wellness? • Why not learn to reinvent your life, explore how to thrive, and succeed? • What's it costing you not to attend? xx captivating hours with inspiring wellness leaders sharing insights and methods to live life to one's fullest potential. Register today for the 2019 Total Health Summit. Invest in your healthiest most energetic Self. Message me if interested. fitness-332278_1280
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Sensitive–The Untold Story "Sensitive--The Untold Story" is the first of the series and is based on Dr. Aron’s findings. In 1991 she made a breakthrough discovery: an innate trait of high sensitivity. Since then, her international bestseller "The Highly Sensitive Person" has been translated into 17 languages... #sensitive #HSP #HighlySensitive #health #neuroyoga #NeuroYogaZone #introverts Sensitive
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Your Oneness Gets Attained (YOGA) clothing and merchandise from NeuroYoga.Zone. Give yourself and others a NeuroNudge™ that the Yoga experience is a unity of body, mind, and spirit. Visit #yoga #clothing #clothingline #clothingbrand #neuroyoga #neuroyogazone YOGA- Tshirt
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Are you breathing in a healthy way? Find out at: #breath #breathe #neuroyoga #neuroyogazone #health #wellness #stress #stressreduction #reducestress woman-570883_640
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Are you feeling overworked and unproductive? Are you maximizing your career and life potential? It is your willingness to change, to take action, and work for what you want not your environment that will produce what you desire. Just changing your environment alone will not change your life or the results you seek. Having a mentor or coach has been shown to accelerate what you want achieve; as much as a 600% ROI in productivity. ▪ Imagine learning how to reduce stress ▪ Envision decreasing being overwhelmed by work or life ▪ Visualize learning how to find balance How would that change your life? Find out more at
    Keith Engelhardt posted an update
    Does Your Biology affect your “A” Game and Productivity? #neuroyogazone #changes #insight #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesscoach #meditationcoach #wellbeing #stressed #workplacewellness #stressrelief #stressreduction #productivity BiologyPost
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Keith Engelhardt

Profile picture of Keith Engelhardt


Active 9 months, 3 weeks ago