In nature, each natural cycle is linked and balanced in harmony with other cycles and interacts with living organisms in complementary way.
What we seem to forget as humans is that we two are part of nature and bound by the same natural laws. Yet many of the human endeavors seek to distance us from nature and have power over it; which is foolhardy in the long run.
#neuroyogazone #change #insight #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesscoach #meditationcoach #wellbeing #stress #stressreduction #nature #knowledge #reverence #life #balance #harmony #health #happiness #awareness #truth #human #spirit #humanspirit #life #Laozi
The sunrise, of course doesn't
care if we watch it or not.
It will keep on being beautiful,
even if no one bothers to
Look at it.
― Gene Amole
There is so much beauty we do not see, because we fail to look.
However, it does not mean it does not exist.
There is so much of our own beauty that fails to be expressed; because we worry about others seeing it. Or, it is colored by our attempts to get others to see it, rather than just letting it be into existence.
#neuroyogazone #insight #life #transformation NeuroNudge-BeautyAndLooking
The clock is changing. Again... We shift form Daylight Savings Time this Sunday Nov 4, 2018
Moving our clocks in either direction changes the primary time signal for setting and resetting our 24-hour natural cycle, or circadian rhythm – light. In doing so, our internal clock becomes out of sync or mismatched with the current day-night cycle.
5 ways daylight saving time messes with your health -- and what to do about it
The clock has changed. Again.
Avoiding Problems When “Falling Back”: Daylight Saving Time and Your Child
Our mental health is our "Mental Wealth". Without a baseline of balance, equanimity & resilience, we can't build or experience a good life.
Why not learn how at "Building Resilience for Everyday Trauma" Oct 13?
Details & registration at #Dayton #Wellness #Resilience NeuroNudge-Bridges
=== Building Resilience for Everyday Trauma ===
Saturday, October 13, 2018 (8:15 am – 4:15 pm)
St. Leonard Center, 8100 Clyo Rd.
Centerville, OH 45458
How do I calm down when I'm stressed or overwhelmed?
Never before has a generation of people known the comforts and conveniences we have today. And yet, we cannot claim to be the most joyful or loving people in history. A vast number of
people live in states of constant anxiety and/or depression, or everyday trauma.
Join others on a journey of awakening to your true potential
by building resilience for everyday trauma. hashtag#resiliency hashtag#truama hashtag#stress
Register early, space is limited!
Info & registration at
Phone: 937 529-8089
E-mail: [email protected]
#trauma #wellness #resiliencePostcardImage
"When we free the mind of all its masks, defenses, and entanglements that keep us from experiencing our authentic selves ― vulnerable and open to possibilities and potential, we can experience our uncovered soul."
― Keith Engelhardt
#neuroyogazone #yoga #meditation #mindfulness NeuroNudge-UncoveredSoul
=== Yoga for Trauma/PTSD Relief ===
While many versions of Yoga exist and it is practiced by 20 million people according to a Yoga Journal Study (, very few standard yoga programs are appropriate for individuals dealing with Complex Trauma and PTSD according to a presenter at the recent 2018 Healing Trauma Summit. These individuals should seek trauma informed programs that are adapted to their specific needs and based on the evidence based science for relief of Complex Trauma and PTSD.
Why Trauma Informed Programs Make a Difference:
In a recent study of treatment (therapy) programs, while the control group may have significantly improved their mood, there was not a sustained reduction in PTSD symptomatology. Comparatively, 52% (16 of 31 participants) in the trauma informed yoga group no longer met criteria for PTSD compared to 21% (6 of 29 ) in the control group. That’s a compelling difference. 31% more of the people suffering from PTSD no longer met the criteria for PTSD.
For years the mindset around PTSD or Complex Trauma has sometimes been very little can be done, or programs have been less than optimal. The defeatist attitude that nothing can be done for those that are impacted by Complex Trauma and PTSD as a result is Adverse Childhood Experiences (A.C.Es) is disconnected from what evidence based neuroscience, psychology, and psychiatry indicates. We should be going after addressing trauma and PTSD like a bear.
NeuroYoga.Zone(tm) in now offering “Trauma Reducing Yoga” (TRY)(tm) programs. They are not your average yoga class. Why not try them? Especially if you are one of the estimated 70% of American adults that have experienced a traumatic event or you have developed PTSD (more than 13 million people in the US).
Full details for "Yoga for Trauma/PTSD Relief"
#Trauma #PTSD #Yoga
Are You In Deep Do Do?
What is the cost of being to busy?
#neuroyogazone #change #insight #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesscoach #insight london-692137_1280
I just posted a starting point for my new website for Introverts: "The Amazing Introverts Zone".
Will be flushing it out as a full site soon with lots of cool resources for introverts, as well as an on-line community, YouTube channel, coaching, resources, and eventually an on-line store.
If you know any Introverts (or Extraverts too) that might like to offer input for content or focus, any and all ideas and insights are welcome; especially from introverts, since the intent is to serve this community.
Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world.
― Albert Einstein
What do you imagine for yourself?
#neuroyogazone #changes #insight #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesscoach #meditationcoach #wellbeing #stress #stressreduction #Imagination #abundance #knowledge #peace #universe #joy #compassion #living #creatures #life #nature #reverence #growth #humans #choice #creativity #thought #reflection #AlbertEinstein
A human being in perfection ought always to preserve a calm and peaceful mind and never to allow passion or a transitory desire to disturb his tranquility.
― Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
#neuroyogazone #mind #thoughts #balance NeuroNudge-Blance
May the new year bring you abundance and equanimity.
What is your one word, New Year's resolution or affirmation?
#NewYear, #NewYear2018, #neuroyogazone, #inspiration
*** Why not start the New Year stress free? ***
A NeuroYoga Zone “NeuroPatterning”™ Meditation Class (6 wk) starts 01-09-18
Information and Registration at
#neuroyogazone #change #insight #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesscoach #meditationcoach #wellbeing #stress #stressreduction #wellness #calm
Without purpose, many will find it impossible to maintain, an idea, a business, or a creative effort for months, years, or for a lifetime.
Do you have a purpose?
What is it?
Do you celebrate it?
How often do you affirm it? Purpose
A daily nudge to obtain success.
The world's top coach Marshall Goldsmith has 6 questions to start each day with to yield success in life.
Did I do my best to ...
- Set clear goals
- To make progress toward achieving my goals
- Find meaning in my life
- Be happy
- Build positive relationships (professionally and personally)
- Be fully engaged
Did I do my best to _____? (fill in the blank)
One does not have to be perfect at being one's best, one just needs to try every day and not blame the world for any lack of success. Success
Inside of us, but out of awareness, is the truth that “I already know everything I need to know".
— David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.
Most of the time we are searching outside ourselves for the answers and solutions, when we should be looking within.
#neuroyogazone #change #insight #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesscoach #meditationcoach #wellbeing #stress #stressreduction #people #humangrowth #Inside #awareness #truth #relationship #yourself #self #development #everything #selflove #human #spirit #humanspirit #mindset #happiness #desire #DavidHawkins #DavidRHawkins NeuroNudge-Searching
Our chronic thinking can lead to a cognitive prison where we are locked in our whirlwind of thought.
The mind can serve us, but it can also enslave us and keep us from being present and aware.
Escape the cognitive prison often through Meditation and Mindfulness.
Both can shift our awareness from the head to the heart.
#neuroyogazone #change #insight #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesscoach #meditationcoach #wellbeing #stress #stressreduction #being #humangrowth #thinking #cognitive #prison #wisdom #thought #mind #present #heart #presence #experience #aware #humanspirit #aware #thinking #grow #awareness NeuroNudge-CognitivePrison
“People are always saying: ‘They’ll take care of it. The government will. Don’t worry, they will’. They who? It starts with us. It’s us. Or else it’ll never be done.”
— Michael Jackson
One of the responsibilities that comes with awakening and a raising of consciousness is taking action, even when others don't.
#neuroyogazone #change #insight #yoga #meditation #mindfulness #mindfulnesscoach #meditationcoach #wellbeing #stress #stressreduction #people #humangrowth #government #responsibilities #choices #responsibility #action #experience #consciousness #synchronicity #presence #human #spirit #humanspirit #life #worry #desire #action #MichaelJackson NeuroNudge-TakeAction