• Kristi Borst posted an update 3 years, 1 month ago

    Shifting Dimensions, Sorting Dimensions ~ It’s Like Hogwarts’ Sorting Hat!

    This full blog is at

    INTRO >>>
    It is said that as one door closes another opens. As shown in this visual doorway message from about four years ago (left side), I’ve certainly encouraged myself and others to look at the CLOSED DOOR, as an invitation to BE and DO more. Spirit/Higher Guidance and experiences of late are showing me that in duality, there is always a yin-yang balance with every thing. So, we must see and assess both sides of the situation; lest we get stuck in limbo!

    This is not to say we should focus on extremes. We as a civilization have been doing that for eons, and it hasn’t created Humanity’s sweet spot. When we focus on only black/white, good/bad, right/wrong, we miss the rainbow that lies at the heart of that spectrum.

    I’m sharing this OTHER PERSPECTIVE of the CLOSED DOOR, with the hope that it will illuminate more possibilities FOR and WITHIN YOU. On the left, there is actually an invitation to step up and forward. Yet in some cases, particularly in our relationships, we never had nor will have the right key to be able to enter and find the peace or love we seek. READ MORE at
    https://spiritual-guidance-emotional-healing.healingresonance4.me/2021/10/shifting-dimensions-open-doors-closed-doors-sorting.html yin-yang-doorway

    Shifting Dimensions, Sorting Dimensions ~ It’s Like Hogwarts’ Sorting Hat! This full blo