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March 10, 2020

I had a conversation with a friend about life choices and decisions. I have already covered this in previous blog entries, so I won’t repeat myself. I want to focus…


March 10, 2020

Throughout my life as a writer, my muse, who I have come to realize is my inner spirit, likes to have an inner dialogue with me. We discuss the everyday…


March 10, 2020

My first sign of being a person who would struggle with her conscience in this life became obvious at the age of ten or eleven. I wrote a story about…


March 10, 2020

If we are blessed, there is a moment in our life where we realize that we are more than our individual selves. We come to a realization that there is…

As it grows, so do I

March 10, 2020

The more I integrate Reiki energy in my life the stronger it becomes in my healing sessions. I am finding that it truly affects all parts of a person’s being.…

Inner me

March 10, 2020

I focus on my spirit self and fleshly life. I believe in God and the universe as one. I know that nature speaks to us all and if we sit…


March 10, 2020

There has been much debate in history about which is greater-the destroyer or the creator. Our very existence has come down to religious and philosophical beliefs regarding both. Understand that…

Life Revised

March 10, 2020

On this new road to spiritual enlightenment, Reiki has found me and those close to me. Energy healing has been the best thing that has happened in my life. I…

Let’s Visualize

March 10, 2020

Reiki is like a fingerprint, unique and extremely individualistic. If you are a person who connects strongly to emotions, you more than likely will “feel” the energy moving throughout your…

Channels Opened

March 10, 2020

There are so many types of energy healing in this world. All are wonderful if the healing is placed in the right hands and with the right intentions. For me,…

LaTanya Hill

Profile picture of LaTanya Hill


Active 2 years, 2 months ago