• Lidia Kuleshnyk posted an update 1 year, 9 months ago

    Don’t forget to RSVP for March 18th’s Conscious Leaders Circle on Zoom with my special guest, @vibrantvivianshapiro who will be discussing how to Live A Remarkable Life By Going Vibrant!

    ⁠Vivian wrote a must-read book for anyone who dares to take a fascinating journey in her universe where you will find out how vibrant life can be. Her book is a powerful reminder that no one can define you but you. Discover your purpose and create a life worth living through this masterpiece. Vivian will be sharing her wisdom with us this Saturday… hope you can join us!

    RSVP for FREE: https://cg6b64an.pages.infusionsoft.net/

    Space is limited, sign up soon!

    ❤ Reclaim YOUR Health⁣⁣⁣⁣⁠⁣
    ⚡ Regain YOUR Energy⁣⁣⁣⁣⁠⁣
    🔥 Refine YOUR Power⁣⁠⁣

    #highperformancecoach #consciousleadership #holistichealing
    #ancienthealingsecret AHM – CLC March 18, 2023

    Don’t forget to RSVP for March 18th’s Conscious Leaders Circle on Zoom with my special g