Happy #gratitude day!
I am grateful that after 4 years of having faith, determination, and not giving up even after failures and financial challenges, my business is starting to boom and ideal clients - who are tired of popping pills to feel better - are showing up in my life. I am also grateful for all of your support and helping me spread the word about my services. gratitude vibration mateja-petje-lmft
Happy Monday!
Change is inevitable. We tend to stay in our comfort zone however if we don't leave that zone at least once in a while, we don't grow. So embrace the change and get ready for miracles!
#naturalstressmanagement #holisticcoaching #comfortzone 28 natural-stress-management change
Happy #gratitude day. Today I am grateful that my virus is pretty much gone and that I am starting to feel better. Thinking of my dad who passed away 19 years ago in a tragic car accident. I know he would be proud of me what I had accomplished.
#naturalstressmanagement #holisticcoaching gratitude-wayne-dyer
I have been spending time with my little rascal Sammy, my emotional support animal. He changed my life in a short few weeks. Next year I will be adding pet therapy to my services. sammy-11-8-16sammy-in-the-park-11-13-16sammy-and-his-bed
I have been spending time with my little rascal Sammy, my emotional support animal. He changed my life in a short few weeks. Next year I will be adding pet therapy to my services. sammy-11-8-16sammy-in-the-park-11-13-16sammy-and-his-bed
I have been spending time with my little rascal Sammy, my emotional support animal. He changed my life in a short few weeks. Next year I will be adding pet therapy to my services. sammy-11-8-16sammy-in-the-park-11-13-16sammy-and-his-bed
Thank you to everyone who accepted my friend request.
"I help my clients HEAL, provide them with tools to TRANSFORM, and inspire them to THRIVE." My motto is: "Less FEAR - more LOVE."
To be added to my MAILING LIST and receive a Series of 3 videos with TOP energy behavioral & integrative medicine techniques please go to: http://eepurl.com/bGjz-n thanks-for-adding-me-mateja-petje-lmft