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    Melanie Greenberg posted an update
    I'm so excited about my new book The Stress-Proof Brain that came out this month. Stress is a fact of life, but it doesn't have to rule your life. Learn how to master your stress and use it's invigorating impact to motivate you to move forward towards your goals. The book has lots of practical tools and exercises from neuroscience, mindfulness, and positive psychology to help you manage stress. 41PYY2LN2uL._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_
    Melanie Greenberg posted a new activity comment
    Thank you so much for the wonderful, kind endorsement Ande! Yes, Debra Oakland told me about WU and it seems like a great fit. I'm excited about the possibilities! 10712876_824294730925589_5802133515426229544_n

Melanie Greenberg

Profile picture of Melanie Greenberg


Active 6 years, 10 months ago