Go for a walk on the grass or in the forest. Take a deep breath, feel the breath's energy invigorating you. Become one with life, with nature and yourself.
Image by Pixabay hard-pixabay-mar2
Base Chakra Shamanic Dance Workshop
Come enter sacred space to the dance that connects you to your Earth Mother (Gaia), your power animal and your ancestors. You will smudge to cleanse yourself so you can enter the healing sanctuary and be carried on a journey using aromatherapy. Meditation, music and sacred dance will carry you into a trance like state where you will experience the chance to facilitate self-healing. To find out more about Samaria and what she does, go to her profile at The Wellness Universe, http://goo.gl/8ePxNG
Here is a short informational video I created on the base chakra for you, enjoy.
For those who wish additional healing, after the workshop Samaria will be offering Pranic Energy Healing letyourbodypixabayjuly4