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Nicole Harvick

World Changer Member
Forgiveness Expert / Quantum Energy Healer
Experience in my field since: 2013
I enjoy my work as: Coach - Individuals, Coach - Groups, Book Author, Podcast Host, Podcast Guest, Public Speaker, Panel Participant, Mentor, Volunteer

Nicole Harvick is known as The Forgiveness Expert and Quantum Energy Healer. Her missions to assist people from all walks of life to identify and release all negative emotions that are stuck inside their body causing them sickness and emotional pain. An example of what she has accomplished is helping a 55-year-old woman identify the exact moment she started feeling unworthy and unloved. She was only 18 months old. She truly believes that by understanding and practicing forgiveness on your healing journey, you will be able to free yourself of painful memories that are holding you back from a life of emotional freedom. She uses many healing modalities in her healing practice after speaking with her client to get an idea of where healing must start.

Nicole is also a writer and speaker on the topics of self-healing, forgiveness and self-love. She is a frequent guest on podcasts where is always encouraging her audience to selfheal as you are helping others to heal in the process. Every healing is different, and no two journeys are alike.
Nicole lives in South Carolina where she enjoys her days at the beach. When she is not working, she enjoys reading, kayaking and paddleboarding.


Certifications and Credentials

Tuning Fork Therapy
Certified by Sandra Novack, Teacher

Reiki Master
Certified by Judith Richter, Teacher

Quantum Pathic Energy Method 72 hours
Certified by Sherry Anshara QuantumPathic Educator

Meditation Practitioner
Graham Nicholls Instructor

Master of Energy Healing Level2
Alex Hermosillo Founder of Master of Energy Healing

Certified Ho'oponopono Practitioner
Joe Vitale Instructor

Ho'oponopono and EFT Practioner
Graham Nicholls Instructor

Nicole Harvick

Profile picture of Nicole Harvick


Active 9 months, 3 weeks ago