Roni Lipstein posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
We can approach our transcendence from a perspective wearing focal glasses pointing out our every fear……OR….we can CHOOSE to put on our glasses whose focal point IS on BEing LOVE…..in our every experience of life.
The 2 have a similar goal…..to heal, harmonize, balance, regenerate, rejuvenate, unite, fine tune, plant seeds, nurture, blossom, BE……..LOVE, BE….Happy, BE Bliss.
1 IS just more direct than the other……more “blissFull” than the area……
1 I DO BElieve IS a ride we journey NOT of necessity but out of a false need we feel must be met due to that which we have been taught……NOT that which IS TRUEly required….
That which IS TRUEly required IS simply, BEing LOVE.
And thus the question and inspection does NOT about facing our fears BEcome but whether or not we are BEing LOVE in any given situation……
same-same but completely different…..