Roni Lipstein posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago
One of the best ways I counsel my “Earth Angel Partners” ( Clients ) to start their day is by setting forth #intentions for a day that is going to be #marvelous and #magical….( whatever those ‘terms’ mean to you…. )
One of the ways we may so do is expressing our #gratitude for all the #gifts that are in our lives, as well as #aligning our ‘Selves’ withIN #Namaste #Love —->>>> inviting our ‘inner voices’ of Namaste Love to be that which we are listening for, hearing, paying attention to, and therefore ACTing from, within, and through……
Even if your day started hours ago — there is no time like the present to take a moment of two to align your self with namsate love…
Indeed, it is recommended to do so multiple times through out your day — reMIND your Mind ‘who’ to be listening for and to…. 😉
With Love,
Roni *** <3