Roni Lipstein posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago
In my last post I wrote a manifesting mantra which began by my saying “you don’t have to believe” in this, just try it….
Why ?
We are told we MUST believe, we must be “properly aligned” — thing is as many have experienced first hand, and has been Proven Scientifically, even when we are in the ‘shittiest’ of places, if we SMILE, we ‘raise our vibration’, our mood, the serotonin levels in our brain and actually start to feel better…..
So too does reading, reciting, and repeating mantras as the one I shared below…..doing so ‘raises our vibration’ whilst sending forth this ‘energetic signature’ into the ‘ethers of existence’, causing a ‘rippling effect’ that is reverberated back to us….
Ponder here upon and then purrrrhaps, take another ‘go’ at the manifesting mantra below….
Bliss Kiss Beayouties