Roni Lipstein posted an update 5 years, 11 months ago
With Love from 2014:
” We are by virtue of our ‘operational, inherent, ‘built-in’ beingness, Creatures of Habit
—->>> from our daily routine to the very manner by which we THINK….. (that’s pretty much the biggest one— to me — for our collective reality — which requires some ‘fine tuning’ shall we say 😉 )Evolving
into that which we ALL wish to experience, express, and share……requires our concerted efforts, our Collective Concerted Efforts to so DO…..
( When there is enough of we, “critical mass’ it will happen naturally for the rest of we…. Shall you be one of the ‘ones’ to usher in this new reality ??? )What “bigger decision”, “bigger intention” can YOU THINK of that IS ‘bigger’, ‘grander’, more motivating, stimulating than shifting our currently held destructive collective fear based consciousness???
What suggestions have you to ‘spread the wave’ of Namaste Love, to retrain the brain and realign the minds of our human family members ?
I will begin with one…..
choosing to so do with the one member of our human family you are most initimately connected and actually have ‘authority’ and ‘power’ to effect such shifts…. ‘your me’ ….Blissedly Be Beayouties ” ~~RSL
For those so dedicated and inspired, assistance, a guiding light of Namaste Love is available to you as you journey through your pathway to Being Love: