• Roni Lipstein posted an update 5 years, 6 months ago

    So….one of the things that happens sometimes when someone does something that is hurtfull, triggering, enciting negative emotions to ‘one of my inner me’s’
    –>> -one of the neural networks within my brain that are ‘frozen in time’ when whatever is being triggered in the now, that is of similar vibration, to that which created the hard drive neural network ( the negative emotion ), that pops into consciousness whenever stimulated/triggered, is…….. ( I know a mouth full, a few lung fulls of breath ba ha ha ha ha ha ha take a moment and recalibrate πŸ˜‰ ) SEPARATE from that voice ‘cuz oh boy hahney, can she get naaaaaaassssty!!!! and ……usually with good reason, with merit, there is understanding and compassion there, patience to hear her, even let her bitch her bitch scream’n rants, but !!!
    she ( which ever one of the many that exist within ‘my me’ πŸ˜‰ ) and I do NOT all~ways agree — indeed, when she’s in such a mood, we most certainly do NOT ….

    I do NOT ‘own her’ as the me I am ‘true-ly’ — she is a ‘broken piece’, a shocked, traumatized part of ‘my me’ who is also not ‘true-ly’ I — part of me, forrrrshurrrre!! but not “all of me” and not ‘I’ authentically, which simply stated is all Namaste Love.
    My authentic self understands even the most heinous of acts and holds no grudges, indeed, is filled with gratitude, if you can hold space for that, cuz hahney’s, oh boy some of the thangs I have been on the receiving end of in this lifetime thus far … and yet ……’tis true …. no resentment, no grudge, compassion, understanding, and gratitude.
    Which by the way, is NOT an invitation for a repeat performance of the ‘yuck’ — indeed, where doors have been shut with intention, good reason, protection, and through conscious choosing, shall they likely so remain, however, it does not mean that I need align my beingness within the yuck of that which my ‘little me’s’ may experience — even though they deserve to have their ‘day in the sun’, their ‘voice to be heard’ — BY My “I” — not necessarily the world πŸ˜‰ that is to one’s discretion of course…. πŸ˜‰ tee hee

    Yes……’tis a balancing act, but that is, afterall, imho, the greatest accomplishment of being a human being, mastering the greatest circus act of ALL space and time — BEing Human …..an unseen light being of love in a physically manifest biology of manifest density and decreased ability to consciously experience our inherent connectivity ….. and…….still….choosing to be ….Namaste Love.

    Talk about a Divine Delicate Balancing Act if ever there was one !!!
    Wowsa ***
