Stacey Siekman posted an update 4 years, 10 months ago
Trails are like life—-there are lessons to be learned every step of the way!
This is what the trail revealed today:
💔even with a broken heart; there is still a chance to grow
🌸 in the shadows or in the light—BLOOM where you are planted & enjoy the view
⚖️ Balance provides a whole sense of BEING
These messages today WILL make a huge difference as I walk through my life today—🙏!
What we choose to see and how we choose to move are exactly this—choices! Life (or our trails of trials) can be our greatest classrooms! Learning is necessary to grow—growing is essential to life!
I LOVE sharing heartfelt messages to you! I hope you will be inspired to approach your “trails” in a whole new way! ❤️ 300DC51E-39EA-40E1-B3F5-CC512E302235