Tamara Hawk posted an update 6 years, 2 months ago
Most people are familiar with the word empathy, however, there are many souls on earth who take empathy to a whole new level – these people are actual Empaths. Some of my clients are empaths and don’t even know it. Some empaths are told, “You are too sensitive”. Or, “Why are you worried about that?”.I am a HUGE empath. I feel things from friends, family, emails and phone calls. I am constantly having to ground my energy and consciously disconnect from other people. Some mornings I am really not myself and I kind of know it. I have feelings and thoughts that are not ‘normal’ for me. Or, I will have a physical feeling or ailment that I have never had before. On the one hand, I know it’s not my ‘normal’, but on the other hand I feel it as if it is mine. Emotional, physical, spiritual, doesn’t matter what the subject, sometimes I just don’t feel like myself.
So, an empath is someone who feels what other people feel. They don’t just feel for someone, they actually feel other people’s feelings and energy as if they were their own. Their energetic boundaries are not set and they take on all kinds of energies.
When interacting with people you actually connect with their #Aura and can feel what they are feeling. You can transmute pain, discomfort, etc. for others~ they walk away feeling better after talking to you. This is why empaths often find themselves in counselor and confidante roles (professionally or personally). It is a psychic gift, and many empaths do well working with people because of their ability to feel.
Much Love!
Tamara HawkPsychics-Are-Empaths-Tamara-Hawk