Anna Pereira posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
Thank you for your awesome articles @nicolagraham Nicola Graham Lisa Bohland-Lundgren @lisalundgren Danielle J. Duperret – Naturopath @danielleduperret Hilary Jacobs Hendel @hilaryjacobshendel Deane Thomas @deanethomas and for your quotes Theresa Walstra @theresawalstra Denise Povernick @denisepovernick Hilde Larsen @hildelarsen Elizabeth Kipp @eli…[Read more]
The Wellness Universe posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
Your circles of influence will be bathed in the beautiful light that can be a beacon guiding others, so why wouldn’t you be more accepting of love that surrounds you at all times?
~@TheresaWalstra #WUWOrldChangerhttps://www.facebook.com/WellnessUniverse/photos/a.309705832554289.1073741828.309667589224780/768947806630087/?type=3&theater shuttersto…[Read more]
Kimberly Bayne posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
“How to be Accepting of Love” #WUWorldChanger ~@theresawalstra shares….
Creator of All, does not make mistakes, there are no errors in creation. Every creation, from the smallest atom to the largest creature, has been designed to ensure that the greater plan, the evolution if you will, throughout the universe known to you and far beyond, will…[Read more]How to be Accepting of Love - The Wellness Universe BlogIn this article, WU World Changer Theresa Walstra shares a message she channeled through her Spirit Guides on how to be accepting of love.
The Wellness Universe posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
“How to be Accepting of Love” #WUWorldChanger ~@theresawalstra shares….
Creator of All, does not make mistakes, there are no errors in creation. Every creation, from the smallest atom to the largest creature, has been designed to ensure that the greater plan, the evolution if you will, throughout the universe known to you and far beyond, will…[Read more]How to be Accepting of Love - The Wellness Universe BlogIn this article, WU World Changer Theresa Walstra shares a message she channeled through her Spirit Guides on how to be accepting of love.