Shari Alyse posted an update 8 years ago
My heart is literally doing flips right now as I think about this community we’ve created and the love that flows through each of you out unto the world. I know it’s not always easy to do the work that you do in a space that doesn’t always seem to understand, appreciate or even notice. We do. We know you’ve been called to do this important work and anyone who is brave enough to honor that calling and take action, we are grateful and in awe of you. There are no other words I can say this Thanksgiving than THANK YOU.
I genuinely hope you know how much @annapereira, myself, @briansurowiec and our AMAZING team, @kimberlybayne, @ashleybrewer, @heatherdurling, @heathercorinnelang, @jennifertasker and @jennifermaki and are grateful for you being a part of the vision and mission of WU and how committed we are to making The Wellness Universe and all who have co-created this along side of us (YOU), touch the lives of every human on this planet. We are and will continue to change the world.
May you be blessed a million-fold with all the love and blessings you so beautifully gift out each and every day.
Love you, your brilliant soul and WU so much!
Love you @sharialyse <3
<3 Amen Shari <3
Love you immensely Shari ❤️
Ditto! ❤️❤️❤️
Beautiful Shari! Love this and our adventure! xo
Love that you are part of this adventure along side of us! <3