Shari Alyse posted an update 7 years, 9 months ago
Archangel Ariel: Creating Prosperity” a #mustread by #WUVIP ~@pameladussault
~Archangel Ariel, whose name means “Lioness of God,” is the keeper of the natural environment. She is the protector of animals, birds, fish, the land, the waters and the air. She works closely with nature spirits, elementals, and fairies as well as those whose home is immersed within nature itself.http://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/archangel-ariel-creating-prosperity/
Archangel Ariel: Creating Prosperity - The Wellness Universe BlogIn the conclusion of this 7-Part blog series by Pamela Dussault, she shares how to call upon archangel ariel to create prosperity through nature.