The Wellness Universe posted an update 7 years, 8 months ago
Making the world a better place
We are so excited to connect you (#WUFriend) with the amazing members (#WUVIP) of The Wellness Universe. http://www.TheWellnessUniverse.com is an online community of world changers who are positively impacting the world in 7 areas of wellness. Find a WUVIP that adds to your well-being today by searching our epic wellness directory! Our mission is to have you walk away feeling better. Let’s meet our stellar WUVIPs! Are you making the world a better place?
Join us http://www.TheWellnessUniverse.com/Join-usToday’s featured #WUVIP & #WUWorldChanger is…
A little bit more about Pamela…..
Pamela Dussault Runtagh, owner of Passage To Inner Joy, is a spiritual leader and author of Understanding Soul Mate Relationships & How To Be With Your Divine Partner and is also a relationship and healthy living contributor for the Huffington Post. In addition, she is a respected master in the field of energy medicine and is the founder of the REAP Healing Method. Pamela trained for over 12 years in the fields of spirituality and alternative medicine and draws from this extensive learning to develop and teach in these areas. On an individual level, Pamela is an intuitive counselor and mentor providing spiritual and practical guidance to form healthy relationships, establish personal empowerment and find inner joy.
To read more and connect with Pamela, please visit: https://goo.gl/mYaGX7Pamela-Dussault-Runtagh
Pamela Dussault Runtagh founder of Passage To Inner Joy and the REAP Healing Method #WUVIP – The Wellness UniversePassage To Inner Joy, Unlock Your Happiness, Find Your Key
Love featuring you @pameladussault and all the great work that you do!
Thank you so much! I truly feel that from the bottom of my heart <3. Blessings and love to each of you always!