The Wellness Universe posted an update 7 years, 6 months ago
“Graduation: Layer Sensory Experiences” #WUWorldChanger ~@terrysegal shares…
All of us have the potential to be graduates, though. It starts with becoming students. I’ve been a student of NO this past year. It has been more difficult, in many ways, than achieving my Ph.D. Not my forte, I’ve been practicing saying, “No” to people and things that take me off my game and jobs I don’t want to do, even if it involves disappointing someone else.
A #WUVIP #mustreadhttp://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/graduation-layer-sensory-experiences/
Graduation: Layer Sensory Experiences - The Wellness Universe BlogIn this article, WU World Changer Terry Segal challenges you to be aware of your sensory experiences to embrace your journey after graduation.