The Wellness Universe posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago
Making the world a better place
We are so excited to connect you (#WUFriend) with the amazing members (#WUVIP) of The Wellness Universe. http://www.TheWellnessUniverse.com is an online community of world changers who are positively impacting the world in 7 areas of wellness. Find a WUVIP that adds to your well-being today by searching our epic wellness directory! Our mission is to have you walk away feeling better. Let’s meet our stellar WUVIPs! Are you making the world a better place?
Join us http://www.TheWellnessUniverse.com/Join-usToday’s featured #WUVIP & #WUWorldChanger is…
A little bit more about Robert…
Robert Clancy is a gifted technology entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, author, minister and spiritual teacher from the heart of upstate New York.
At 19, Robert had a divine spiritual experience that greatly altered his life. In 2012 he started “Robert Clancy – Guide to the Soul” Facebook fan page (facebook.com/GuideToTheSoul) where he shares his divinely inspired thoughts, now followed by over a half-million people worldwide. Robert is also a regular contributor on KABC (Los Angeles) Radio’s syndicated Late Night Health Radio show.
Robert has volunteered for the New York East Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership (HOBY) seminar for nearly thirty years.
To read more and connect with Robert, please visit: https://goo.gl/HKA9yr robert_clancy_HR02
Happy feature day @robertclancy
Happy WU Feature Day @robertclancy! Thank you for always spreading the LOVE into the world.
Happy Feature Day! 😀