• Amy Walker posted an update 7 years, 5 months ago

    Hi Guys. I am looking to interview people who help people overcome life hurdles that result in self-sabotage. I will be holding a summit later in the year but am also looking for people who would be interested in Facebook live interviews, again around the same topic. If you would be interested in growing your reach this way, please do let me know by sending me a message. Amy x 🙂

    • Hi Amy,
      Thank you for your query. I would be happy to be interviewed. I am not exactly sure I understand your wording around self-sabotage, but I would love to have a chat with you. xoxo, Elizabeth

      • Hi Amy, I have had a ton a hurdles..and help others to not sabotage themselves whenever I can…LOL would love to help and motivate!

    • Hello Amy, After years of not knowing, I finally figured out that Ièm all about nourishing that part of ourselves that feels small. I’m just starting out online so I would be very interested in growing my reach. Self sabotage…Been there, done that, got the t-shirt and am ready to help others. 😉

    • Thank you for giving us this opportunity, Amy. I would love to be considered to be a part of it. Please connect with me here in WU via private message or at [email protected]
      Thank you again!

    • Thanks to all that have been in touch so far. I will get around to contacting you all over the next couple of weeks. You are superstars.


    • Hi Amy,
      I am definitely interested. This is me. http://www.lightofmine.org. I help people energetically release their B.S. Stories. Thank you so much!