Kimberly Bayne posted an update 7 years, 4 months ago
“3 Tips and Action Steps to Stop Feeling Undeserving” #WUWorldChanger ~@jennymannion shares….
Most people are their own worst enemies instead of being their biggest cheerleaders. I bet you would never speak to a loved one, child, or beloved pet the way you speak to yourself, yet it feels natural to berate and demean yourself on a regular basis.
A #WUVIP #mustreadhttp://blog.thewellnessuniverse.com/3-tips-action-steps-stop-feeling-undeserving/
3 Tips and Action Steps to Stop Feeling Undeserving - The Wellness Universe BlogIn this article, WU World Changer Jenny Mannion shares 3 tips and action steps to stop feeling undeserving and step into the happy life you deserve.