Sheri Vie posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago
Too many crimes of hate! So many lives lost, so much sorrow, so much confusion.
Latest tragedy in the USA of course is Las Vegas.
People rally together to help victims. So much compassion, so much love, so much support.
BUT after +25 years of delving into the minds of hundreds of thousands of fellow humans around the globe, I know this for sure:
Until we as humans can on a DAILY basis be compassionate, loving and supportive of all those around us, our world can never progress to be a place where us humans can feel safe, happy, and content.
The question remains: Do we truly care enough to INVEST in a peaceful future?
I’d like to address this in my upcoming Inner Peace To World Peace webinar in the Lounge this month…
I am looking for fellow world changers who would like to join me as Guests (on webcam) with your burning questions….
Waiting to hear from you. P.S. it’s my first one in the Lounge…and would love fellow world changers on camera with me as Guests.
Who’s interested?
Lots of love
V Prevent-Las-Vegas-tradegy