• nicholas prukop posted an update 7 years ago

    My hope for 2018 is that we all contribute to the path of peace. I am doing my part by sharing my dream of healthy aging with a new publisher who is giving me the opportunity to speak on national public radio later this month and then we will see what I can do from there. The world is in pain and living in fear is no longer an option. I am committed to the latter part of my life being an example of the possibility that we each can – and will – bring peace to this earth. I am one voice and knowing it will count in the time ahead brings me peace. I am hopeful and filled with love for the possibility of what I can accomplish in 2018 – and for those of you who yearn as I do for a world of gratitude, forgiveness and harmony. I am promising this today as a gesture to the universe that I am on this journey for the “long haul” and I gratefully accept my mission as a change agent. My life has meaning and purpose and this all I could for and for that I am truly grateful. Aloha, Nick