• Ines A Hatch posted an update 6 years, 11 months ago

    2018 Resolutions to Keep
    Sharing Five Resolutions to Keep from Dr Bruce Salzinger’s Newsletter for your benefit. Resolutions tend to fall by the wayside. Now build upon tiny changes. Naturally. Look better. Feel better. Be happier. Do better. And make bigger and better decisions. Take action now with this abbreviated version of Dr Salzinger’s wise words and actions to follow.
    1. The Power of Hello: Say “hi” to a stranger. Acknowledge people you know. “A smile says a thousand words.”
    2. The Written Word: Take 15 minutes to read. Be enlightened.
    3. Deep Breaths: Take a moment to center yourself in your world of rush rush rush. A moment of peace and quiet to focus…
    4. Reach Out and Touch Someone. Text, FaceTime…someone to reconnect.
    5. Action Required: Have an action plan. Step by step. Writing it down will help.
    Don’t skip another day. Resolve to make a difference in the next eleven months. Take steps to become another healthier, happier person who strives to achieve more and make a difference. Make yourself feel like a hero. And see what happens. Best!!