The Wellness Universe posted an update 6 years, 10 months ago
Please meet #WUWorldChanger ~Michelle Amor
Michelle Amor is a qualified Homeopath – Reiki Master – Pellowah Practitioner/Trainer – Angel Intuitive
“A healer doesn’t heal, they can however, give you the knowledge, tools and space for you to find and connect with your innate healing ability”.
As with all healing journey’s mine started from a huge life crisis in 2005. I found myself in a position I thought I would never be and no knowledge on how or what to do next.
I was directed to the Louise Hay book ‘You Can Heal Your Life’, and from there I never really looked back. Suddenly things started to make sense. I always knew that true healing was found in more that just allopathic medicine. Leaning how to heal myself was the key.
I am blessed to have some amazing healers and teachers around me and quickly went about learning everything I could about healing. Along the way I have gathered lots of practical and useful information that I have been able share with my clients.
There is no “one size fits all” with healing. Everyone will need something different. The one commonality is that whatever modality you use, it will need to address the whole person, not just the symptoms.Read more and connect with Michelle today!
Michelle Amor - Journey To Awareness – The Wellness UniverseJourney to Awareness, empowering you to feel healthy and happy from the inside out through Homeopathy, Reiki, Pellowah, Meditation Groups, Workshops, Flower and Gem Essences
@MichelleAmor, you ave been featured across social media 🙂
What a lovely surprise – Thank You
Thank YOU For being YOU! <3