The Wellness Universe posted an update 6 years, 6 months ago
Please meet #WUWorldChanger ~Jiji Chai
__________________________________Jiji Chai is a Bachelor of Science in Nursing-Registered Nurse by profession, wife of a Physical Therapist and a mom of three wonderful children. She has worked as a nurse in various health-care settings and have met people from different walks of life.
She is a WOW author and WELLNESS coach. She authored the program Walk On WELLNESS, Wow Your Way To Health, which follows the outlined health principles:
W – alk With the Divine
E – xercise Regularly
L – ive In Moderation
L – ove and Laugh Abundantly
N – utrition In Balance
E – nergize With Sunshine
S – anitary Air and Water
S – leep and Rest AdequatelyRead more and connect with Jiji today!
Complete Health And Inspiration by Jiji Chai, Wellness Universe World-Changer – The Wellness UniverseThe Walk On Wellness (WOW) Author, offering natural health products for a healthy you and life coaching strategies for wealth and wellness, taking you on a journey to live and inspire.