Roni Lipstein posted an update 6 years, 3 months ago
Wanna Change the World?
BE Aware of “Spiritual Snobbery”…..
I live my life my a certain ‘set’ of ideals, values, BEliefs based upon my personal, professional, LIFE experiences, KNOWledge, and Wisdom.
[some good, some not so good 😉 hee hee hee…. some based in fear, some in love ]
I am a CONSCIOUS [what did that pic I posted say…..change agent??? ] conduit of LOVE’s Bliss…..a Conscious Child of the Voice of LOVE….
I have Consciously dedicated my life to LOVE…….
That does NOT mean that I am all~ways coming from LOVE, nor does it mean that my vision is the “right” vision for ALL……
we are ALL infinitely expanding…growing, learning, transcending…..
There are INFINITE means of understanding ANYTHING……Infinite means by which ANYthing may BE seen through the eyes of LOVE…..
For example:
1. I am Vegan [mostly 😉 ]
I BElieve we do NOT require the need to take the life of another animal to sustain ourselves.
Of course, I can take this a step further and say that PLANTS ARE a ‘sort’ of Animal as they ARE ALIVE……
We simply do NOT KNOW enough about our plant kingdom to KNOW if when we pick at them they are enJOYing the experience, grrreatFull for the experience, or in dire pain from the experience……
Further BEyond this ‘thought’ — I myself buy and prepare meats for those within my family who still choose to so consume…… even BElieving what I believe…for they are entitled to make the choices they DO….. 😉 without my judgment……. <3
2. I do Not adhere to any religious denomination, though I am blissed that my family comes from the lineage they DO, as I am assured that born into any lineage, I would BE so Blissed 😉 [conditioning my loves]
I do not BElieve we require religious doctrine to BE the I in ME we LOVE ourSelf to BE, I BElieve that we KNOW this inherently.
However….I also KNOW that for many, religion brings solace, comfort, and the readily available direction that many seek and enJOY, and I do Not admonish them for this.
Indeed, I seek out the 'commonalities' that we share. <3
As a 'change agent', a voice of LOVE, it IS NOT for me or ANY of WE to determine what is "right" for others…….to point fingers at others who are not doing things the way we think/believe/feel they should be done, but to DO what we believe IS the BEST we can DO in our OWN INDIVIDUAL LIVES to BE the I in ME we LOVE ourself to BE.
In other words, coming back to my 2 examples:
for some, eating meat IS ASSISTING the eco-system…..
for some, eating "Happy Meat" IS BEing LOVE
for some, following their religion IS BEing LOVE
this is not to say they are right and I am wrong, or vica verca……
If we want to ilicit the change we want to see, we MUST EACH BE OPEN to the INFINITE means by which we may IMPROVE upon our Daily CHOICES in life…..in ALL areas of Life…….we must be dedicated to BEing the Best Me we Love our Self to BE……….and that IS uniquely ONEderFull to Each of We. <3
SHARING our perspectives, understandings with one another in a non-judgmental manner ALLOWs for Greater Growth of the WHOLE……
There is NO Need to put another down BEcause there views are different…..even if we really disagree with their views…..
Better to BE Compassionate to another's Perspective that we are able to more easily share our own……AND….understand others'……….which YES, can BE difficult at times to DO….but…sooooo worth it if we are indeed committed to BEing LOVE. <3
Coming from a place of Compassion — assuming that every other IS DOing what they BElieve to BE IS BEing LOVE………— yup…even the ones we really disagree with……
It IS in BEing Open that we are able to affect the Change we wish to see, for it IS through LOVE not anger, resentment, judgment, pointing fingers, etc… that LOVE most effectively IS perceived, received, and responded to, from, & through.
Bliss <3 <3 <3